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Research Statement


Introduction and Purpose of Research

Definition of Terms

Literature Review


Data Collection Source

10 - 11

Presentation of Findings

12 - 16

Interpretation of Findings

17 - 19

Discussion of Findings

20 - 21










26 - 29

How has Christianity impacted on the social lives of individuals living in the Spring
Garden community?

Research Objectives
To determine how Christianity has impacted on the lives of the people in the Spring Garden
To find out the features of Christianity.
To use findings to make recommendations about the impact of Christianity on society.
To identify the level of aspirations that Christianity gives

Research Questions

What are the impacts of Christianity on the lives of people in Spring Garden?
What are the features of Christianity?
How does Christianity inspire an individual?
Why do individuals attend church?

This project is the fruit of concerted efforts. An internal assessment of this magnitude was
effectively compiled with the assistance and contribution of a number of individuals; gratitude
must be extended to such persons.
The researcher would like to thank God almighty for giving him the health and strength
he need to complete this Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment, so as to meet the requirements
of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination syllabus.
The researcher would like to give credit to his teacher Miss Gray for the role she played
in outlining the task I am expected to perform.
I would like to express my warmest thanks to my friends at school who contributed
significantly to my project.
Finally, I would like to say thanks to the staff at the schools computer labs that went
beyond the call of duty to ensure that the necessary resources were available and the attention
was forth coming so that my project was completed efficiently.

This study is geared towards finding out how the people of Spring Garden community in
Portland, Jamaica are impacted by Christianity. The researcher is of the idea that Christianity has
played an integral role in the lives of the people living in the community. Informal interviews
with members of the community indicated that Christianity has changed the lives of many
individuals living in the community. This study therefore aims to assess the community of Spring
Garden, seeking examples of Christianity impacts on individuals and how it has impacted on
their lives.
The community of Spring Garden is located in the parish of Portland and has a
population no more than one hundred and twenty person mainly young adults and children. The
community has a rich tradition of followers of Christ which has lead to the community forming
its own church.
The researcher chooses this topic to research on this topic because of the increasing
amount of arguments arising about the impact of Christianity on person worldwide. The
researcher who has also has some special interest in the topic and wanted to explore more, sees
this as an opportunity to do so. The research sees a lot of educational values arising from
carrying out this research which includes; adding to the knowledge based of individuals about
the impact of Christianity as a part of the entire impact of religion on individuals as well groups
and institutions which is a topic studied in the subject.

Definition of Terms
Christianity: is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in
canonical gospels and other New Testament writings. Adherents of the Christian
faith are known as Christians.

is a person or any specific object in a collection.


refers to a state of not being married or a state of abstention from sexual

intercourse or the abstention by vow from marriage.

Monotheistic: is the belief in the existence of one god.


To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.


a close personal relationship.

The greatest religious change in the history of mankind took place under the eyes of a
brilliant galaxy of philosophers and historians who disregarded as contemptible an Agency
(Christianity) which all men must now admit to have been the most powerful moral level that has
ever been applied to the affairs of men (Lecky, 1905). I say quite deliberately that the Christian
religion, as organized and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world (Bertran,
1927). Christianity is a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament
and the teaching of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus
as Saviour as define by the Oxford Dictionary. Except a man be born again he cannot see the
kingdom of god that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit is spirit
(John 3: 3, 6). Do not be conformed to this world system, but be transformed by the renewing of
your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of god (Romans
12:6) As Christians we cannot say, "What I look like is no ones business!" because what we
look like reflects on our Lord. My house, my car, my personal appearance, my use of time and
money, all reflect how Christ has changed my life from the inside out. When Jesus comes into
our lives, He does not cover our blemishes with cosmetic powder, but He cleanses us wholly by
working from within. This inner renewal is reflected in the outward appearance (White, 1948)
For a very long time, Christianity has had a very strong aim in the shaping of the way
children are to be brought up. The medieval period was in particular a period in which the church
could not accept standards other than its own when children were brought up. For this reason

Christian ideas became deeply rooted in the children who were growing up during this time, and
anything they did was entirely shaped by the expectations of the church (Petrescu, 2010). In
order to promote bible literacy, Christians have been leaders in education. This trend was
accelerated with the advent of the printing press at about the same time as the Protestant
Reformation. Many of the worlds languages were first set to writing by Christian missionaries in
order for people to read the bible (Faith Facts, 2008).
God calls us to dress modestly and decently, not only to prevent sin, but also to preserve
intimacy. People who want to sin will sin no matter how modestly dressed the people they see
are. The purpose of modesty is not only to prevent lustful desires, but also to preserve something
which is very fragile and yet fundamental to the survival of a marital relationship: the ability to
maintain a deep, intimate relationship with ones spouse. If marriage is going to last a lifetime, as
God intended it to, then husband and wife must work together to preserve, protect, and nurture
the intimacy. When all is said and done modesty will preserve the joy of intimacy long after the
ringing of the wedding bells (White, 1948).
Christianity made the liberty of every individual before God the bright red tread of
history, and its interpretative key. Underlying the chances of democracy then is its faith in the
foundation of the concepts of human rights and universal dignify (Novak, 2002). The church
considered that materials things were obstacles to the attainment of perfection. They had the
impact of distracting one from the path of perfection. These kinds of teachings greatly informed
the way that children were to be brought up. The expectations of the parents and guardians
regarding childhood were shaped by this ecclesiastical teaching. Another teaching of the church
which impacted negatively on understanding childhood, was that of child bearing, namely the

life of celibacy. This was encouraged to the extent that children were at some point required to
sacrifice their childhood for the sake of the higher life (Petrescu, 2010). This research attempts to
add to the knowledge base of the influences the church and Christianity has on the ideas of
Studies have shown that it is indecisive of the impact of Christianity and the church on
individuals. Some theorist especially Christians, believe that Christianity has a positive effect on
the social life of an individual (Novak, 2002), some believe that children are brain washed during
childhood to accept the teaching of the bible, so that when they grow old they will not depart
from it (Petrescu, 2010), while others are of the idea that Christianity is a system of control
which sets out to control individuals (Faith Facts, 2008). Christian ideologies have tended to
focus on the positive impacts of Christianity with only some realization that there are drawbacks
to Christianity (Novak, 2002). In dept and interpretative studies reveals that individuals has no
belief in Christianity because it is the principal enemy of progress in the world (Bertran, 1927) .
Shifting the research from studying only one side and its advantages and disadvantages,
we recognize that Christianity has both a positive and negative impacts on the social lives of
individuals. This research about the impact of Christianity on the social lives of individuals
living in the Spring Garden community shows the most recent ways that researchers are studying
the impact of Christianity on individuals. The methodologies consist of detailed interviews where
individuals are encouraged to speak openly about the impacts of Christianity and their ideas of
the church and Christianity overall. Also in-depth questionnaires are used to allow individuals
who are afraid to speak out, but able to write their views and the impact that Christianity has on
them. In this way researchers can study how Christianity has impacted on individuals which have

lead to Christians and atheist in society. It addresses the challenges regarding Christianity or
atheism as a stable entity a major disadvantage in previous works.

In order to carry out this internal assessment on the impact of Christianity on the social
lives of individuals living in the Spring Garden community, the researcher had to made use of
primary and secondary sources of data collection. The primary data collection source used was a
questionnaire while the secondary sources of data collection include texts and the internet.
A questionnaire is a research instrument that can be applied to fact finding technique in
systems development projects. It consist of a series of questions, the questionnaire used by the
researcher includes both open and close ended questions. A total of fourteen (14) questions were
asked in the questionnaire. The researcher choose questionnaires in collecting the data because it
was more economical when collecting from a large source, it allow persons that will be
answering the questions time to do so, questionnaires are easily analyzed and they allow the
researcher to get opinions of people who are afraid to speak out.
The researcher issued thirty two questionnaires to members of the community, to persons
of different age groups. All questionnaires where fully answered and returned a week after the
first issue, seventeen (17) males participate while only fifteen (15) females participated in the
research. The questionnaires were issued using random sampling where individuals were chosen
without any speculation however it spread across the different age groups to get the opinions of
all. The data collected by the researcher were useful and essential to the research being carried
out since it gives answers to research questions. However the researcher was confronted with a
drawback. The drawback encountered in using the questionnaires as a source of data collection is
that the questionnaires had to be explained in much more details to some of the persons involved
in the data collection; this caused the researcher some small amount of time. Despite all that the
questionnaires helped the researcher to understand the problem better than before.

The secondary sources where used by the researcher to gather information related to the
research, to gain a better understanding of the problem that is being investigated. The sources
where access by visit to the school library and the World Wide Web. These sources however had
their downfall, their downfall was that the researcher was unable to gather information from a
source within Jamaica and much wider the Caribbean. The sources contributed to the researcher
understanding of the problem in that they cite examples and gives enormous amount of details to
































Series 1



















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Spring Garden a highly populated Christian community has ninety four percent (94%) of
the members of the community which believe in the Christian religion while the remaining six
percent (6%) believing in the Rastafarian Faith, this is indicated by Figure 1 in the presentation
of findings. Based on the findings all the persons that believes in Christianity their parents or
guardian believes in Christianity as well, the same trend applies the Rastafarian Faith, as shown
in Figure 2 where ninety four percent (94%) of the respondents their parents or guardian or
Christians and six percent (6%) are Rastafarian. A total of twenty three (23) respondents out of
thirty two (32) respondents in the community are exposed to other religions, these religions
includes Islam, Hinduism and Judaism, the persons who were exposed to these other religion
were exposed to them at school and church. The remaining nine (9), of the thirty two (32) have
never been exposed to any other form of religion than the one they were brought up in; this is
depicted by Figure 3 in the presentation of findings.
In the community of Spring Garden ninety four percent (94%) of the persons living there
have attended church before and still attends church as shown by Figure 4 in the presentation of
findings it also shows that six percent (6%) of the total population has never been to church
before. The question have you in any point in your life been forced to go to church? was posed
to respondent of the questionnaire ninety percent (90%) said yes and ten percent (10%) replied

no has specified by Figure 5. The individuals who replied to the question giving a yes for their
answer was also asked the reason for this all responded stating that they do not know why they
were forced to attend church.
The teachings of Christianity had affected the lives of seventy eight percent (78%) of the
residents of the Spring Garden Community, while twenty two percent (22%) of the residents are
not affected by the teachings of Christianity; this is represented by Figure 6 in the presentation of
findings. A popular bible saying which advice individuals to attend church in whatever they
have, have an impact on the residents of the community because they do not the ancient dress
code for church, which is long frocks for the ladies and formal clothes for the males.
Reading of the Christianity holy book is a major practice by the residents of the Spring
Garden Community because as revealed by Figure 7, ninety seven percent (97%) of the
population reads the bible and three percent does not read the Christian holy book. In the
community the residents who read the bible as indicated by Figure 8, forty eight percent (48%)
gets a sense of love from it, twenty percent (20%) receive fear from reading the bible while thirty
two percent (32%) obtains inspiration from reading the bible. This piece of information shows
that Christianity impacts on these individuals, because a person reading the bible and receive a
sense of love from it or inspiration will always want to read the bible to get that love and
inspiration, at the same time the teachings will be rooted into the individuals then change the
individuals. Individuals who read the bible and a gets a fear from reading the bible will want to
give their life to Christ because they dont want to go to hell but wants to go to heaven.
Individuals in the community have different view of the impact of Christianity on the
residents in the community. Some are of the view that Christianity creates a God fearing

community; other views Christianity as one of the creator of bad living while others just dont
know the impact of Christianity on the community.
What are the views of the inhabitants of Spring Garden on the idea of Christianity?
Christianity in Spring Garden is seen by most people as the true religion or the correct directions
of the way to live, however a single residents has a different view of Christianity, this individual
stated that Christianity is total confusion and if you want to be confused try to understand the
teachings of Christianity and the bible. The idea of Christianity impacts on the social life of
members of the community. According to the data from the questionnaires Christianity has
helped individuals to appreciate and love others despite of their religious background, social
stance and their race. Therefore Christianity does not affects communication in the community
has indicated by Figure 9 where thirty one persons communication are not influence by
Christianity and one person is influenced by Christianity.
Is Christianity a system set up to control human beings? The residents have different
views some are of the opinion that the Christian religion is like the idea of Santa Claus where it
forces children to behave all year round to get Christmas gifts when its time, while another group
strongly stated yes because as quoted by Ephesians 6, where it commands a child to obey their
parents, while a minority says that no Christianity is not a system of control because Jesus only
liberate. Another piece of data coming from this question is that pastors tend to dictate how
persons should live their lives.
It can be shown that in the community of Spring Garden Christianity has some level of
impact on the residents based on the response to the questions asked in the questionnaire.

Its the intention of the researcher to find out the impact of Christianity of the lives of
people living in the Spring Garden community. Anna Petrescu stated that Christianity had for
long time, aimed at shaping the way children where brought up, a similar indication was shown
in the research where the religion of the residents where Christians, this is showing that Petrescu
statement is logically correct because all those parents are Christians and their children are
Christians themselves, therefore parents must have seen Christianity as the way to bring up their
In order to promote bible literacy, Christians have been leaders in education as according
to the website Faith Facts. By this Christians are able to force persons to believe in God or the
Christian religion and is the same as in the research where a lot of individuals were forced to
attend church, as indicated were Christianity pulls members towards them by force.
The religion of Christianity has impacted individuals resulting in them having various
views of Christianity, a respondent in the research stated that Christianity is total confusion and if
you want to be confused try to understand the teachings of Christianity and Bertrand Russell in
Why I am Not a Christian said I sat quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized
and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.
Is Christianity a system set up to control human beings? Community members stated that
the Christian religion is like the idea of Santa Claus where children were forced to behave so as

to receive Christmas gifts but Paul the Apostle said it better in Ephesians 6:1, 2 where he said
that children, obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right. Honour thy father and mother which
is the first commandment with promise. As is indicated the religion commands individuals and
even its holy books provides shows that as well.

At the end of the research the researcher was able to conclude that the residents of the
Spring Garden community are impacted by the ideologies of Christianity in a positive and
negative way. The positive impact which Christianity has on the residents of Spring Garden is
that it helps them to appreciate and love others while the negative impact of Christianity is that
creates a fear in the members of the community which can cause internal or household problems.
The researcher also concluded that Christianity in the community is based on traditions
hence the reason why most individuals attend church is because of the way in which they were
brought up and seeing that attending church is a norm in the Spring Garden society. Christianity
aspire the people of the community in a way that it help them to appreciate others.

The researcher during the research encountered problems in carrying out this research.
These problems include limited amount of equipment to get the assessment done on time,
difficulties in gathering information which were key to starting the internal assessment which
includes gathering for the Literature Review and problems analysing some of the data received
from some of the respondents due to poor writing skills.

The researcher would like to recommend that the residents of the Spring Garden
community increase their knowledge of their present religion as well as other religion so has to
reduce the impacts of Christianity which can cause serious problems. This can be done by taking
Religious Education classes or reading books on articles from reputable sources about various
world religions. The researcher would also like to recommend that residents of the community
seek to gain inspiration from Christianity other than just love or fear this can be achieved by
reading the Christian holy book and with an open mind and questioning things that are written
and not readily apply them to themselves.

Bertran, R. (1927). Why I Am not A Christian. Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Publications.

Faith Facts. (2008). Retrieved November 16, 2010, from Faith Facts Website:
Lecky, W. E. (1905). History of European Morals. New York: Appleton.
Novak, M. (2002). Democracy & Religion in America.
Petrescu, A. (2010). The Influence Of Christianity On Childhood. New York: Articles
University, O. (2002). Oxford Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
White, E. G. (1948). Testimonies of the Church. In S. Bacchiocchi, Christian Dress and
Adornment (p. 180). California: Mountain View.
Williams, J. (2007). Inplainsite. Retrieved January 8, 2011, from Inplainsite Website:

This questionnaire is for an internal assessment and all information given will be kept in the
strictest confidence. This research is grateful for the time and effort you take in completing the
questions below.
Please tick the response that is mostly likely to be correct and write on the lines where

( ) Male

( ) Female

Age Group

( ) Under 15 ( ) 16 21

( ) 22 30

( ) 31 45

( ) 0ver 46

1. Which religion do you believe in?

( ) Christianity
( ) Rastafarian
( ) Islam
( ) Others
( ) None
2. Which religion do your parent/ guardian believe in?
( ) Christianity
( ) Rastafarian
( ) Islam
( ) Others
( ) None
3. Have you ever been exposed to any other religion?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) If yes which religion and where? ___________________________________________
4. Have you ever attended church before?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) Do you still attend church?
( ) Yes
( ) No
c) Why?
5. Have you in any point of your life been forced to attended church?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) If yes, what was the reason behind this?
6. Has the teaching of Christianity affects the way you live your life?
( ) Yes
( ) No

7. Its said in the Bible that individuals must come as they are. Does this statement
determine the way you would dress if attending church?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) Why is this so?
8. Have you ever read the Bible before?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) If yes, what do you get from reading the Bible?
( ) a sense of love
( ) a sense of fear
( ) inspiration
9. How has Christianity impacted on the people living in your community?
10. What are your views on Christianity?
11. How has Christianity impacted on your social life?
12. Does Christianity determine the people who you communicate with?
( ) Yes
( ) No
13. Does the church involve in youth development in your community?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) If yes, what ways does the church involve in youth development?
14. Do you think Christianity is a system organized to control human beings and why?

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