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Gameplay assignment

By Lewis Buchanan
Bioshock 2
The World of Bioshock 2 has the same style but also has an empty abandonment
aura around the underwater city. The art style for everything is Art deco which is
something personally I love. The terrain is all destroyed because of a certain
drug that was used in the underwater city known as Rapture (Rapture is where
the two games are set). The entire terrain in which you walk around is just
amazing. The first Bioshock captured the creepy aura really well by the fact that
the walls have water dripping down walls and a door stuck open shows that
something happened. You play as a guy called jack who is very human and you
find that out by the large enemies known as big daddies. Big daddies are
featured in Bioshock 1 and 2. But the magic twist for Bioshock 2 is that you are a
big daddy. Big daddies are the engineers of Rapture. But they are a lot more than
that. You see Rapture fell because people were being addicted to these things
called Plasmids. These are genetic enhancement drugs which temporarily give
you a power. Which is why Rapture was able to become what it was. But they got
so addicted that the city of Rapture tore itself apart from the inside out with
these plasmids. The way to power these plasmids was that you extract this
substance called ADAM which can only be extracted from these little girls called
little sisters. The big daddys job is to protect them with their lives. The feedback
interface is pretty clever with Bioshock 2. Because since you play as a big daddy
you have a red screen when you are about to die. You also here a grunt from the
big daddy that sounds hollow which makes the player feel sorry for their
character and make the player feel like they need to know the back story of the
big daddy you play. The game is in First person which helps with the creepy
experience of Rapture.
The main game of Bioshock 2 is the Campaign which is single player. But
Bioshock 2 had a great gimmick when it comes to multiplayer. When you start of
you have your own apartment and the more you level up the more items you get
for your apartment and also the more secrets you discover about Rapture itself.
The narrative for the game is from the point of view from the big daddy you play
as. And since he cant talk he feels hollow and it gives of the efect since the big
daddy is hollow and its first person like the player is in the Big daddy suit. The
goal of the game is to find your little sister who you are meant to protect. The
longer you spend away from her the closer you will be to dying. So the entire
story is about you as a dad trying to get back to your daughter which may strike
some emotional heartstrings on the right sort of player. The rewards for killing
enemies is that you get new plasmids/powers and you also get dollars. Thats
about it but the dollars allow you to buy ammo and health. Some challenges are
areas which you cant get to without the right plasmid like a frozen door needs
the fire plasmid to get into it. And also so of the challenges are finding the
upgrade machines which allow you to upgrade your weapons permanently, there
are also only about 14 in the entire game. The reason why I mentioned this is
that when you use the upgrade machine the guns change their physical
appearance with attachments which I like a lot. The player during the game can
rescue little sisters which other big daddys look after. You can there save them
or consume each sister. But each time you consume or save a sister all efects

the ending you get at the end of the game. The game doesnt really have rules.
It has more guide lines for the player to follow. Like certain objectives. The
difficulty setting fixes how hard the game will be but if you play on the highest
difficulty respawning is disabled. This adds in a more heart pounding experience
of survival. In the game of Bioshock you dont really have an inventory but you
do have a weapons wheel. The balance between the scary walking through
corridors and fighting sections is extremely well made. So they both complement
each other to give a gaming experience unlike anything before it. While playing
the game and walking you hear the clink and massive booms of metal indicating
that you are moving. If youre playing and at very low health your health bar
glows red very fast. The reason why this game is so addicting is that the game
has multiple endings. Thats the reason why I kept playing the game even
though I had already completed it.
Borderlands 2
The world of Borderlands 2 was an amazing achievement compared to the first
game. The First games world had very little to interact with and was pretty much
the same. Desert. But Borderlands 2 changes the terrain from the barren frozen
arctic to the lush grassy fields of the Highlands. This adds such a diversity in
appearances of the world that its just a good change in what the first game had.
The characters in the game are all a bit odd. This is because since Pandora is full
of nut jobs all the NPCs you talk to will be massively insane. Like Tiny Tina. The
worlds most dangerous 13 year old. But you to get the main story missions you
have to talk to the 4 characters that you chose to play as in the first Borderlands
game. This is a good change because its just a cool addition to the games
gimmicks. When playing the game if your shields go down you see a shattering
glass efect fit with sound signifying that you need to get back into cover. Also
depending on the rarity of the gun that hits the floor depends on what your
character says. If its an orange then your character sounds amazed. The entire
game is in the perspective of first person. This adds to the immersion of the
character you chose to play as because you see the world as if you were there
which is why I like FPS. When playing as the character you have chosen depends
on how they talk and also how they react to the world. So for example if you play
as the gunzerker then your character loves guns and gore so much that he pretty
much talks about the guns and creating gore all the time. You also are contacted
by this AI called ANGEL which is in a satellite above the planet you play on which
provides you with story missions and added cut scenes. The game can be played
single player but can be played with up to 4 players. Where it gets interesting is
that when you play with 4 players the percentage of getting some of the rarest
guns will get higher with each person in the party.
The entire game runs on an entirely awesome story of revenge and mystery.
Because when the game starts you wake up after getting blown up by this guy
called handsome jack. Then you search for this vault which Handsome Jack wants
to open and control a powerful beast to kill everything on Pandora. Your part in
the story is where you try to get to the vault before Handsome Jack otherwise the
whole of Pandora is in danger. The games setting is based 4 years after the first
game. The planet your on is called Pandora. A baron planet with only the craziest
people ever in a game left on the planet. But the entire of Pandora has changed
so much because Pandora looks amazing now. I mean one of the locations is

called Iridium blight. This is a glowing dark purple location with raining Iridium
ashes which land on the screen to give of the efect that the Iridium ashes are
landing on your face as if you are there. You get side missions in which you have
to follow certain goals to complete the mission. But to make the missions more in
depth every mission has a set of challenges which means if you completed them
you can get better rewards. For example instead of getting a green weapon for
completing a mission, once completing a challenge on that mission you will get a
rarer weapon. The Reward system all depends on how difficult the mission is and
also how significant the mission is to the story. You will also get for killing a boss
you get a better chance of the boss dropping a rare gun. The rarity scale works
like this White, Green, Blue, Purple and Orange. The players actions dont really
change anything with the story but the player doesnt have to do any missions.
They can keep exploring the world for chests. The game doesnt really have any
rules to follow apart from missions. The game gets more difficult the more
players you have in the party but this increases the chances of you getting
Orange guns. Also since you have a level up system some areas of the game is
at a higher level which means you can get killed a lot easier in that area. This
does mean that the player is advised to work on all the side quests before going
to new areas. The inventory system is impressive. You have only a certain
amount of inventory slots but you can upgrade them using this special currency
called Iridium. The new inventory system means that you can now look at a 360
degree picture of your gun and can drop guns and put a star by them to show
that they are your favourite. You can also sort your Inventory into categories like
rocket launchers, snipers or pistols. You can also change the category to the
maker of the guns like Maliwan or Jakobs. The balance of the game is pretty
good. Like a same level area wont have a new boss all the time and since the
game has over a gazillion guns you will probably never find the same gun twice.
While playing in the snowy mountains of Pandora you can hear your character
trudging through the snow and you can see your footsteps being left behind in
the snow. You can also in certain cases of opening a specific box and finding a
specific weapon in a location you will get a certain voice over by one of the main
characters giving of the efect that this is no normal gun. So the player feels
accomplished that they found this special gun. The addiction for Borderlands 2 is
the fact that there are so many guns (Gazillion) in the game that you can just
keep playing through 10 characters and still find new weapons. Also the fact that
you have a higher chance of getting better weapons while with friends this adds
a great CO-OP value making you come back to the game. There are some Bosses
added to the game which in turn needed to kill them and take their loot is to
have a party of 4 players. Also the game has 4 campaigns for the player to
complete and the level cap for levelling up is increased to level 80.

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