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Minecraft – What is it?

Minecraft started out as a survival-based game. You would spawn in randomly generated world
and gather materials to survive the night. Eventually you would get better and better materials and
would work towards killing the Ender Dragon. Survival is an important aspect with different skills
needed. Such as mining and crafting. Eventually people started maximizing their skills. Coming up with
new unique strategies to gain materials in speed and efficiency. Quick crafting strip mining and clay
patch mining would be new strategies built by the community years ago. Eventually a branch of these
survival people turned to beating the game as fast as possible hence the birth of the Speed running
community who used different mechanics, strategies, and sometimes even glitches to maximize their
speed in beating the game. The world record for a random world, glitch less speed run is 11 minutes and
7 seconds for beating the game. Some people stuck to survival and others moved onto a more
challenging version of it called hardcore which is survival with one life and harder monsters. These
survival players would become great at building to shape their worlds and great grinders to gather
materials. Player vs Environment would become a big part of survival as you battled monsters in search
of loot. But with the birth of multiplayer server networks like Hypixel and Mineplex along with the ability
to create your own servers to enjoy with friends. Some of these players took their skills in battling
monsters to battle other players. Hence the PVP community was born, and it quickly grew in numbers as
players competed with each other in different tournaments and soon developing strategies and using
game mechanics along with movements and timings to dominate the scene. Players who best
understood these strategies would rise to the very top and be famed. PVP was split into different
versions 1.8 and 1.9+ with 1.8 utilizing fast clicking speed, knockbacks, and strafes to combo and hit your
enemy multiple times without hitting you. While 1.9+ used timed clicks and a thinking/reaction-based
gameplay with its own variety of strategies like circle strafing and w/s tapping. 1.9+ also came with new
game modes like Netherite which was mostly using timed critical hits on your opponents to get them in
a crit chain. Crystal PVP relied on fast reaction timing and using end crystals to blow up your opponent
and explosive PVP became a whole another thing compared to sword and axe PVP game modes. UHC
PVP was based on real survival situations rather than set kits and would give you a variety of resources
to try and take advantage of in combat. Other players became skilled redstoners who used their skills to
build automated machines like farms and even moving robots and TNT cannons in Minecraft. Their skills
were coveted as many people didn’t really get into redstone. Building was another big thing as people
were able to make increasingly creative buildings and were able to even build for Minecraft servers to
make their maps look better. All of these aspects also attracted content creators from different
Minecraft skillsets who made videos on the game and brought traction. Redstoners and builders helped
other people design creative projects in the game and were even paid for it. Mincraft became fulltime
careers for a lot of people. Coding was a big thing in Minecraft to design mods and additions to the
game. PVP players would be able to earn money through participating in tournaments for prizes or
starting content creation and blowing up through their skills.

To conclude the Minecraft community has developed and grown over the years and its bound to grow
even farther

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