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Acidophilus and Bifidus

Isabel Marrot

Acidophilus Bifidus are long and rod shaped.

Russian scientist Elie Metchnikoff
discovered Acidophilus Bifidus.
It was founded during the 20th century.

Harmful or Beneficial?
Acidophilus and Bifidus is beneficial to

Why do we use Acidophilus and Bifidus?

Acidophilus and Bifidus
can be taken as a pill to
lower the pH of the
intestine preventing your
body inhospitable for
bacteria. Also, it is used
for skin disorders, acne,
yeast infections, and IBS
(irritable bowel
syndrome). etc.

Acidophilus and bifidus are strains of probiotics, live
bacteria that are similar or the same as the helpful
bacteria in your body. According to medicine physician
Kathi Kemper, acidophilus and bifidus are two of the
most common types of good bacteria found in yogurt,
miso, tempeh and probiotics supplements. Acidophilus
and bifidus have a range of health benefits, including
easing digestive problems, and reducing the risk of heart

Acidophilus Bifidus can be found in the forms
of tablets, liquid, suppository, powder, capsule,
and general interaction.

Side effects
When first taken, stomach bloating and mild
stomach discomfort may occur.
If taken a large amount of acidophilus and
bifidus, diarrhea may occur.

Where does it live?

Acidophilus and Bifidus is usually found in
digestive, urinary and genital systems.

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