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Joel Sawyer

Professor Debra Jizi

UWRT 1102-010
10 February 2016

Double Entry Journal

Citation: Joshanloo, Moshen and Weijers, Dan Aversion to Happiness Across Cultures: A
Review of Where and Why People Are Averse to Happiness Pursuing Happiness: A Bedford
Spotlight Reader. Place of Publication Not Identified: Bedford Bks St Martin'S, 2015. 267-279

Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


Since these negative conditions are seen as

more negative than being happy is positive
(Baumeister et al. 2001), belief that
happiness causes, or tends to be followed
by, these negative conditions is enough to
make people averse to happiness
(preferring a roughly neutral state). Pg. 268

I can totally see that and I guess that you

would lump me into that group. If your neutral
then you dont have as far to fall as it were.
The happier you are when something bad
happens then the worse you feel.

Western philosopher Joel Kupperman

(2006), argues that extream happiness
might lead to negative consequences
because it causes carelessness, which can
result in catastrophic misfortune, including
death. Pg. 270

I know that when I do get to a state of I guess

extream happiness that I tend to overlook a
lot of things. Some of the things that I do not
pay attention to do in turn lead to
unhappiness. I just feel like nothing can affect
me when I am in that state then I get
smacked back down.

According to Uchida and Kitayama (2009),

in Eastern cultures, expressing happiness or
outwardly displaying success can arouse
envy.. pg. 273

I get extremely jealous of people who are

excessively happy. People believe that
displaying happiness is contagious but all it
does to me is make me realize how unhappy I
actually am.

.. Buddhist also tend to view the pursuit of

happiness in a negative light because it may
lead to the passive harm of others through
neglect. Pg. 275

I think that they are right because I get wrped

up in making myself happy and end up
making the people around me unhappy.

the pursuit of happiness embodied in the

No truer words have been said I think

American Dream is a wild goose chase

that is bad for us because it diverts us from
the path to authentic happiness. Pg. 276

because the American dream is just an idea

which is ever evolving.

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