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Alexis Fortoso

Professor Raymond
Writing Prompt 4

This last peer review session we had was a helpful one for my team
and the team we participated with. There were many opinions and
perspectives that we shared and it benefitted all of us. We worked with the
group that were doing their yearlong project on the panthers, and these two
subjects being on two completely different topics it was good to have a
perspective outside of the topic.
Each member of our group participated by everyone writing a
comment on the other teams paper and speaking on the feedback that was
given. Once the two teams were put together we all contributed and had
conversations on the papers and feedback we gave.
Our group had a meeting and established rules and dates for meetings.
We discussed consequences. We all agreed to work together and contribute
the same amount of work and no one will be putting in more effort than
someone else or less than anybody else. This group is rather new to one
another but we all got along really well. We all seem to be on the same page
on the topic and our role in this project. We had our first meeting when we
started to write the project proposal and we all contributed equally on that.

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