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Over the past few weeks, I have completed two simulations based on real life

investment and economy as an ASEAN. The first simulations, we did it online while
the second simulation, we did it physically. We were discussed on “The Influence of
Chinese Economy and Power “. I am proud of the knowledge I’ve gained over these
past seven weeks in terms of not only technical skills, but communication and
collaboration skills as well! I was fortunate enough to be able to go into this
semesteme gain important opportunities such as the languages, team work, decision
making, and writing a formal document. I am thanks to this simulations experience,
which I had no idea that my confidence in this area would grow so much in such a
short amount of time.
We use Democracy languages to communicate with each other.
Team Work
I propose that only simulations of various sorts that involve the key dynamic of the environment
can provide such practice in any credible fashion. Neither classroom work nor intensive coaching
in real settings can fully probe the complexities of real interpersonal and participant situations,
and they are unlikely to provide life-long challenge to experienced. Simulation in this context is
a technique (not a technology) to replicate enough aspects of the real world to engage
participants sufficiently to probe and exercise their behaviors and actions when working in a
team setting.

Decision Making
We helped each other to read varies articles to get as much as information to support
over idea.
Writing a formal document
When writing a position paper, we each share individual tasks based on guidelines
and the questions from lecturer. We mixed it together and divided in to 5 main points
including introduction, background, issues, solution, and conclusion. In these 5 main
points we included other smalls points that were in the guideline. After we shared
each other parts, we start doing our own individual works and completing it in the
google Docs. With our points we did research and collected data from the website
that we got from, and wrote it in to our own words. After we finished all the works,
we convert it into PDF and added the cover page that we created. With the formal
document we learn a lot about ASEAN countries and their relationship with China
especially Laos. We also learned to write a formal document as an experience and
knowledge for future work.
Preparation for an event
- Follow the agenda that Chair group had shared
- One representative for the whole simulation
- No position paper, only formal debate and raise motion
- Less pressure
- More activities (have to be on time, well dress, and formal speech)
- Follow the agenda that chair group had shared
- We have 1 representative, and shared each other part to speak out the point
- Position paper, formal debate, informal debate and raised motion
- Draft resolution
- More pressure due to speaking on the stage, all delegates are watching you
Organizing an event (Chair group)

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