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#13 Programming (VB on lab PCs)

This assignment will allow you to explore the Visual Basic programming
processing. Follow the lab demonstration to complete the following at lab:
Copy these three files onto your disk at
H:\CISinstructors\Hou\cis1150\assignment: Form1.frm project1.vbp project1.vbw

Start the Visual Studio 2005 from the Manu, open the project: project1.vbp. An
upgrading wizard is coming up automatically, follow the steps and save the project on
your disk. After upgrading, then work on the form: Form1.frm in design view with the
property box, make the following changes:

1. change the both titles with your name

2. change the label size to fit the caption name
3. change the background color to a different color
4. change the default numbers into 30, 10 and 8
5. change the text on the command button from compute into OK

Build solution from menu, then save the project and close it. Go to your project
folder and look for project 1.exe program file. Then run it. Call the instructor for grading.

College of DuPage

College of DuPage

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