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by: Luis Angel Plaza and Yarle Martinez

The Great meeting of

three old friends:
Peter, John and Sebastian were friends
since high school, but then diverged ,
however no longer communicating and
May 1, 2012 decided together (meet) to
celebrate this great event. but before
they went to buy clothes to dress
(wear) the same.

Two hours

They were hungry and went (go) to eat

pizza as they did when they were in
high school.

Twenty minutes later:

The waitress came to ask for the order,
Pedro asked for a cheese pizza, John
ordered a pizza three meats and
Sebastian asked for a ham and cheese
pizza, immediately brought them and
began to taste those delicious pizzas
because they were hungry , as they had
(have) ate they talked (talk) and they
laughed at the jokes had Sebastian .

45 minutes later:

They heard that there was a football

match USA vs. Colombia, they
went (go) to buy the tickets to enter
the stadium .

They sat down to watch the game
with great joy all of us wanted to
win. US finally ended up losing by
2 goals so they decided to spend the
defeat in a whiskey bar near the
stadium where they have small talk
tinged lamenting and criticizing how
bad juice selection. Then they
cheered and went (go) to a nightclub
to have fun.

At the disco:
They looked for a table near the dance
floor where they met some women , they
immediately took to dance very happy
because they were a good company .
three hours later they were all drunk and
very tired so they took leave of women
and called a taxi to go home . First they
left John at home, then Peter and finally
Sebastian , everyone was happy for the
great departure .

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