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MAY 6, 2016


Bible: Elijah Prays to God
Memory Verse: Psalm 23:6
Daily Five Student Independent Work
Story - The Stone Garden
Skill - Theme
Writing a two-point paragraph;
Common and Proper Nouns
Math: Mental Math
Social Studies: Careers
Spanish - Monday
Art - Tuesday
Library - Wednesday *ALL library
books are due on this day!
P. E. - Thursday
Music- Friday
Chapel - Wednesday and Friday

Happy Mothers Day!

I hope that all of you moms have a wonderful Mothers Day! You are the best!
There is no harder job or more rewarding job than being a mom, and my hats off
to each of you for the fine job that you are doing with your children!

Mystery Reader
I would like to thank
Melissa Shelby for being
our Mystery Reader
today. What a treat! I
would like to thank her
for sharing her time and
talents with us!

Field Trip
Please keep in mind that our field
trip to The Pink Palace is next
Wednesday, May 11. The bus is
scheduled to pick us up at 8:30, so it
is very important that your child
arrive at school on time that day.
Also, if you are riding the bus with
us, please make sure that you are at
school by 8:30 to go with us. If you
are meeting us at The Pink Palace,
you need to be there by 9:15.

Spelling & Memory Verse

We will not have any more spelling

tests this year. We will have a
memory verse test next Friday. The
new memory verse is being sent
home today in your childs folder.


Your child was assigned a project this

week to conduct an interview with
someone about their job. The form to
complete was sent home on Monday.
The completed form is due on
Friday, May 13.

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