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APRIL 29, 2016


Bible: Elijah Helps Others
Memory Verse: Psalm 23:5 You
prepare a table before me in the
presence of my enemies. You anoint
my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Daily Five Student Independent Work
Story - Alexander Graham Bell:
A Great Inventor
English: Writing a two-point
paragraph; Prepositions
Math: Mental Math Strategies
Social Studies: Careers
Spanish - Monday
Art - Tuesday
Science Lab - Wednesday
P. E. - Thursday
Music- Friday
Chapel - Wednesday and Friday

Chapel Program
Your children were precious as they acted out the story of Stick and Stone in our chapel
program today. I was so proud of them! They worked so hard getting ready for the program,
and their hard work certainly paid off. They made a special memory for all of us! I would like
to thank all of you for helping them learn their parts.

Remind your child to collect pledges for the Color Fun Run!

Mystery Reader

I would like to thank Andrea Turner,

Julias mom, for being our Mystery
Reader today. I appreciate her
willingness to share her time and
talents with us. It was a great way
to end our week!


Thank you for all the many ways

that you and our Parents Club
showed appreciation to the
teachers this week! It has been a
wonderful week!

Reading Calendars
Please return your childs April
Reading Calendar on Monday.
We will not keep a Reading
Calendar for May because it is
such a busy month. However,
please continue to read with your
child as much as possible. Thank
you so much for your consistency
in keeping up with your childs
Reading Calendars all year.

Spelling & Memory Verse

We will not have any more spelling

tests this year. We will have a
memory verse test next Friday. The
new memory verse is being sent
home today in your childs folder.

Field Trip

Please keep in mind that our field
trip to the The Pink Palace is
Wednesday, May 11. We will be
leaving school at 8:30. If you plan to
meet us at The Pink Palace, you will
need to be there by 9:15.

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