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Practices of the 15th of Shaban (nisf Shabn)

Reading of Srah Yasn three times; first with the
intention of long life in Islam and faith (imn), second
with the intention to ward off affliction from ones self
and from the nation of Muhammad ; and the third
time with the intention of receiving ones sustenance
without reliance on mankind.
After every reading recite:
Allhumma y Dh l-Manni l yamannu alayhi aad,
y Dh l-Jalli wa l-Ikrm y Dh -li wa l-Anm.
L ilha illa Anta. ahara l-ljin wa Jru l-mustajirn
wa Amnu l-khifn. Allhumma in kunta katabtan
indaka f ummu l-Kitbi shaqyan aw marman aw
mardan aw muqataran alayya mina r-rizq famullhumma bi-falika shaqwat wa urmni wa urd
wa iqtra rizq wa thabitn indaka f ummi l-kitbi
sadan wa marzqan li l-khayrti fa-innaka qulta wa
qawluku l-aqq f kitbik al-munzal ala lisni
nabyyika l-mursal: yamullhu m yashu wa
yuthbitu wa indahu Ummu l-Kitb. Ilh bi t-tajall alaami f lalayti n-nifi min shahri shabni lmuaami l-mukarrami llat yufraqu fh kullu amrin
akmin wa yubram, an takshifa ann mina l-bali m
nalamu wa m l nalamu wa m Anta bihi alamu
innaka Anta al-Aazzu l-Akram. Wa alla-Allhu al
sayyidin Muammadin wa al lihi wa bihi wa




O God, Tireless Owner of Bounty. O Owner of Sublimity, Honor, Power, and Blessings. There is no god
except You, the Support of refugees and Neighbor of those who seek nearness, Guardian of the fearful. O
God, if you have written in Your Book that I be abject, deprived, banished, and tight-fisted, then erase O
God, through Your bounty, my misery, deprivation, banishment, and stinginess and establish me with You
as happy, provided with blessings, for surely You have saidand Your Word is Truein Your Revealed
Book on the tongue of Your Messenger, God blots out or confirms what He pleases, and with Him is the Mother of
Books. (13:39) My God, by the Great Manifestation of the Night of the middle of the Noble Month of
Shabn in which every affair of wisdom is made distinct and authorized,(44:4) remove from us calamities
those we know and those we do not know, and Thou knowest bestfor surely You are the Most Mighty, the
Most Generous. May God bless Muhammad and his Family and Companions.
One then invokes God with the Grand Transmitted
Supplication of Suln al-Awliy (see page Error!
Bookmark not defined.) if it is easy, after each
recitation, or if not, one time after the three recitations.

(see page Error! Bookmark not defined.)



two rakats with Qunt.

After Ish, complete 100 rakats of alt at-Tahajjud. In
the first rakah after the Ftiah recite Srat al-Ikhl
twice and in the second, once.

You are to fast its day and make a sacrifice to Allh as a
ransom for yourself and your family and distribute it to
the needy.

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