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Disusun Oleh :
Zumrotus Sholichati (13102241051)




Non Formal Education for Rural Development

People in rural is the most potential consumer in Non Formal Education, because they
also need facilities to develop their competence for the sake of National Development.
Top victims of crisis education is people in rural. There are three reasons about it; first,
city region always get facilities which more than people in rural. Second, unsuitable between
school's curriculum and people's needs in their village. Third, skill education for young and
adult men in rural is ignored. But actually in the case, there is Non Formal Education that
encompasses many kinds of social problem solving, consumer, and also intends to expand a
chance, knowledge, and skill of people in rural.
In future of Indonesia's national development plan, it must give top priority for rural
developments. Farm enterprises is one of essentials to begin the rural development process be
more expand. One of its efforts is giving modern skill of till the soil. Here, non formal
education is so needed.
Non formal education also can develop competence of unfortunate youth in rural and
give them a simple practice that consist of many kinds of skill which compatible with their
talents and also compatible with their interest. So they will get a foothold in life to enter
world of works and overcome its competition in globalization era.
After education progress, the process will expand to another sector. If farmer's skills
advance, so their income will increase. If youth's skills advance, so they can build their own
business. Then the village will be central of national development.
From statements above, we can conclude that Non Formal Education is very needed by
people in rural to upgrade their life quality. Non formal education can be a milestone of
national development that begun with rural development.

Philip H.Coombs, Manzoor Ahmed. Memerangi Kemiskinan di Pedesaan Melalui

Pendidikan Non Formal. Jakarta: CV. Rajawali. 1984.
Sudjana, H.D. Pendidikan Nonformal. Bandung: Falah Production. 2004.

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