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My ideal being always has the virtue to listen and give good advice; she shows us
the positive of life.

My ideal being always takes care of me, and have conversations that helps carry
the day.

My ideal being is fully able to go ahead despite obstacles.

My ideal is to be admired for all that has been achieved with s effort

My ideal in his days be studied with the dream of finishing his degree.

My ideal being is cheerful and she transmits that energy to everyone close

My ideal being likes to watch movies; She likes to watch movies of real life

My ideal being enjoys cooking; she prepares delicious meals ajiaco and
many more.

My ideal is like traveling; She likes to share with family

and show how much you love them.

My ideal be supporting their children; she gives his best

in order to see dreams made by their children

My ideal being enjoys listening to music; She loves the sauce

My ideal being has the admiration of being unmarried mother, to give

all their children

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