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Lesson Plan #2
Intern Reflection
Intern Name_______Abby hess______________
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You will teach two mini lessons using existing lesson plans and materials your teacher currently uses.
After you teach each lesson, please reflect on your progress toward reaching the targets.
After completing your reflection, you will select 2-3 targets to work on and suggest a plan to help you
reach your goals.
Note: This lesson is practice and will not be graded other than for completion.

UPON COMPLETION TURN IN: Typed Lesson Plan, Teacher Feedback, and this Intern Reflection
Date of Lesson: 3-17-16
Days Lesson Concept: Landforms
Ability to collaborate on the lesson plan with
cooperating teacher
Level of understanding the process of
constructing a lesson plan

Level of planning and preparation for lesson

Level of understanding of content objectives

Level of comfort in teacher role

Ability to maintain eye contact and students


Ability to effectively sequence the lesson

Utilizes positive reinforcement
Ability to effectively time each activity
Ability to implement existing instructional
strategies and materials to teach lesson
Level of enthusiasm and desire to succeed

Subject: Social Studies

Grade Level: 2nd

Student Reflection
I think I did a good job working with and talking to Mrs.
Perkowski about what activity she wanted me to do. We
looked up lessons for the Smartboard and she helped me find
one that would be good for them.
Now that I have done one before, I feel that I am getting better
at making them.
For this lesson I had to prepare more than I had to for my mini
lesson 1. I had to look up certain term that I was not familiar
with, so that I could help the students if they did not know the
word. I also had to look up some of the landforms to see which
category they belonged in.
After looking some things up online, I feel I had a very good
understanding of the concept.
I felt very comfortable in the teacher role. I was not as worried
for this one as I was the last. I think this is because I had more
time to prepare.
I think I did a good job of constantly looking at different
students and that most of them stayed engaged. By the end
some were starting to get distracted, but those were the
students who usually are tired of an activity after a very short
For this lesson, I had intended on doing the Smartboard activity
first, but because of technical difficulties, we flip flopped the
activities and did Bingo first. I think it worked well.
When anyone would get the correct answer, I said something
positive and tried to mix up the words I used.
I think the timing was very good for this lesson!
I used a powerpoint that was created by another teacher. I also
used Bingo cards that she already had, but made up my own
questions to go along with the game.
I feel that I was enthusiastic with these activities, because I
know that the student have enjoyed studying landforms. As

always, I want the student to feel that they are learning just as
much as they would be with Mrs. Perkowski.
What 3 targets would you like most to
1. Projecting my voice
2. Moving around more

3. Add even more positive reinforcement

words to my vocabulary.

What can you, your cooperating teacher or I do to help you

improve those characteristics?
I can speak louder and also do this even when I am not
teaching a lesson.
I can walk around the desks while a student is at a board
answering a question. I can stand at the back for part of it and
the front for the other part.
I will look at the poster we made and remember even more!

Intern signature ________Abby Hess______________ Date __________3-23-

ITT/ mini lesson intern reflection 2/8/13/do

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