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Topic: Romeo and Juliet characters

Name: Kyle Young


Class/Period: 3rd English

Essential Question:
Questions/ Vocab, etc.


Who is Prince Escalus

Prince Escalus is the Ruler of Verona. Hes a boss

Who is Benvolio

romeo's cousin. he is a peace maker

Who is Count Paris

a handsome wealthy man who is looking to marry Juliet

Who is Lord Capulet

Juliet's father who is wealthy

Who is Lord Montague

Romeos father who is wealthy

Who is Sampson

capulets servants

Who is Romeo
Who is Mercutio
Who is Nurse
Who is Balthasar
Who is Abraham
Who is Lady Capulet

Is the son of Lord montague and is in love with juliet

cousin of the count of paris and is Romeos friend
personal servant and nurse of juliet
Romeos servant and romeo's best friend
servant of the montague
the head of the family and juliet's mother

Who is Apothecary

the pharmacist who sell romeo the poison

Who is Friar Lawrence

mentor to romeo

Who is Juliet

the only daughter of the capulets and is the male head of the household

Who is Tybalt

Juliet's cousin who is hot headed and is a skilled with swords

Who is Lady Montague

the head of the family and romeos mother

Who is Peter

personal servant of the nurse

Summary: today we figured out who the characters were in romeo and juliet

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