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A Collection of Beautiful Collocations (1)

rocky mountains = muni stncoi

I could see the rocky mountains in the distance.
crisp snow = zpad crocant; zpad care este proaspt i tare
The snow is lovely and crisp this morning.
to achieve success = a obine succes
Its difficult to achieve success in international sport.
a single parent = un printe care i crete copiii singur
Donna is a single parent; its difficult for her to work full time.
a brief chat = o discuie scurt
We had a brief chat about the exams but didnt have time to discuss them properly.
to stick to the rules = a respecta regulile
Stick to the rules and you wont have any problems.
give way = a acorda prioritate
You must give way to traffic from the left.
breathtaking scenery = peisaj ce i taie rsuflarea
The area has some breathtaking scenery mountains, cliffs, lakes.
golden sands = nisipuri de aur
You can wander for miles along the golden sands.
fasten your seatbelts = punei-v centura de siguran
Ladies and gentelmen, please fasten your seatbelts.
the wind whistles = vntul uier
The wind was whistling through the trees.
the ideas flow = ideile curg; lucrurile au progresat uor, fr efort
It was a successful meeting. The ideas flowed.
1|A Collection of Beautiful Collocations (1)

an only child = copil singur la prini

I am an only child; I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a brother or sister.
to start a car = a porni o main
It was a cold morning and I couldnt start my car.
ridiculously expensive = foarte scump
The restaurant was ridiculously expensive. I dont think well go there again.
a sense of pride = un sentiment de mndrie
Every parent feels a sense of pride when their child does well or wins something.
to raise capital = a crete capitalul
We raised capital to expand the business.
strongly recommend = a recomanda cu trie
I would strongly recommend that you learn a foreign language.
take action = a aciona
Take action now, wait no longer!
have a child = a avea un copil
If I have a child of my own one day, I will be the happiest man in the world!
turn red = a se nroi
When the tomatoes turn red, the farmers pick them and sell them.
make progress = a progresa
Harriet is making progress with all her schoolwork.
deeply committed = foarte dedicat
Professor McGreen is always deeply committed to her students.
a piece of advice = un sfat
Grandpa gave me a very useful piece of advice yesterday.
hard frost = nghe puternic
There will be a hard frost tonight.
2|A Collection of Beautiful Collocations (1)

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