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We live to make a
Group Members: Cindy, Alex,
Victoria, Anka and Bergen

Victoria Moldovan Biography

I was born in 2005 at St. Paul Hospital in

Vancouver, BC. I was born on February 13, which
is one day before Valentine's Day. I have been
living in Tsawwassen since I was born; I have
also been at Southpointe since I was 3 years old.

We Promise:
-You can choose who to sit next to when
there is a desk change,but Ms.Leo has to
check out the combination.
-More Math Blitz
-We propose to make less notes
-We propose to make one block of D.E.A.R.

-No running in the hallways.
-No pushing or shoving your
-No stealing or hiding
anything that belongs to
someone else.

-We will have Litterless and Lights Off Lunchtime
every day.
-If you throw a paper in the garbage or cans in the
paper recycling,you have to pay $5.
-At the end of every day, you have to clean up your

100 table points = $1
Alex is the banker
- If you have an item in the Lost and Found box,
you can do a good deed or pay $1.
Every week you get a certain amount of money,
which depends on the job you have.
- The jobs are chosen by popsicle sticks, and no one
will have a job two weeks in a row.

- If you are sent to the hallway, you are fined a dollar.
- If the teacher thinks we behaved well, everyone will
be payed a dollar at the end of the day.
- At the end of every month, the person who has the
most money will be rewarded a prize.

We people to be educated in all forms such as
math, writing or even PYP attitudes. We want
people to be respectful toward the teacher or
person in charge. People in the class should be
quiet and should not talk out of turn. We expect
people to do what the teacher says and to
listen to instructions.

-We want everyone to listen and pay attention
-We want everyone to raise their hand to say something
-We want everyone to be kind and behave
-We want you to treat others the way you want to be treated
-We want everyone to look after their things.
-We want you to behave.
-We want everyone to pick their things and throw away their garbage in the right
garbage bin.
Have fun and follow the rules
-We want you to follow the rules.
-We need you to be cooperative,open-minded and most of all have fun!


-We value everyone behaving the way they should and

follow the rules.
-We value equality.We believe that everyone should be
treated the same regardless of gender and beliefs etc.
-We think that perseverance is very important because
you should never give up even if you are in a hard time.

-We think that commitment is very important because if
you start something, you have to finish it.
- Peace is important to us because you should never have a
fight over things that can be solved easily.
-We believe that everyones ideas should be heard.

Respect: We respect everyone and
each other and expect to be
respected by others.

- Integrity: We work to build trust

and be reliable.
- Empathy: We put ourselves into
other peoples shoes to understand


- Principled: We are kind and honest

with our peers.
- Risk-Takers: We want everyone to try
something new every week because
we all need to be risk-takers
- Open-Minded: We want everyone to be
included so if you see someone left
out include them

We Live To Make a

Thank you

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