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By Yazeed H, Andrew U, Logan G, Poh M


Wanted unique design

Cost-effective, comfortable, visually appealing
Wanted to cut down on materials
Main question: How to make a product with minimal solids and no liquids since
the liquids have the possibility of leakage and certain solids can be difficult to

Need to know

Materials to use
Measurements of materials
What works/ what doesnt
Best/ cheapest casing

Design Process

First idea: utilize military technology, MRE packets, and insert separated
chemicals inside.
Moved on once materials werent available
Decided to experiment with commercial heaters
Attempted many different metals in mixing
Found iron powder to be successful

Science behind the design

Oxidation: Any chemical reaction in which a material loses electrons when combined
with oxygen. AKA Rusting.
Fine Iron powder rusts quickly when exposed to water or air and this reaction creates
heat. The reaction is sped up by adding sodium chloride NaCl (salt), which acts as a
The addition of charcoal and vermiculite distribute water and heat evenly throughout
the hand warmer, aiding the reaction.

Final product

Went with a different proportion of materials

Achieved an almost 80 degree increase, 103 C
Packaged and sewn

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