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Task 2 - educational psychology

Firs name: Alicja

Second name: Suska

Index number: 282 685

How can teacher support pupils in appropriate development based on selected stages
of Ericson`s theory of psychosocial development.
Description: Using your knowledge of Erikson`s stages of psychosocial development think
and write how can English teacher support pupils in appropriate development. Helping
questions: How do you understand the role of teachers in supporting pupils? Which skills are
the most important in the different stages of Erikson`s stages of psychosocial development?
Initiative vs. guilty

Elementary school
Competence vs.

Middle and high

Identity vs. role of

What skills should How could teacher do this (give minimum 5

teacher support?
examples for each skill)?
Play skills; initiative;
autonomy, interpersonal
skills; manual skills

Encouraging imagination (e.g. by asking questions about

what a child thinks would happen next or how a child
pictures a character); supporting role-play with some
attributes typical for characters; supporting simple team
games and letting each child try out to play the leader's
role in a team; encouraging children to perform practical
every-day activities by themselves (dressing up, washing,
eating, cleaning, etc.); letting children explore the
environment surrounding them with friendly, safe and
stimulating toys and tools; introducing arts drawings,
paper-cutting, plasticine modeling as well as playing with
blocks, puzzles etc.
and Initiating group and pair activities; introducing project
self- and task based teaching; changing the partners that
discipline, hardworking student work with so they learn to cooperate with
different people; teaching the rules of team sports like
football, volleyball, etc.
Giving students regular stimulating homework to build
the habit of systematic learning; rewarding and praising
students for their hard work with words or marks; clearly
indicating the reasons for learning particular material so
students know how they can use acquired knowledge
and Encouraging students to try out various types of activities
and develop interests; letting them experiment and follow
decision their own ideas; giving students hints on how to go deeper
identity into the field of their interest recommending books,
suggesting ideas that students can further investigate;
motivating students for active search for their interests by
praising and supporting their choices; initiating
extracurricular activities establishing special interest
groups that are fun and interesting for students; giving
students responsible roles in organizing events and

Sources which you used (minimum two sources - books (not internet sources)):
1.O`Donnell A., Reeve J., Smith J. (2011). Educational psychology. Reflection for action.
Third Edition. John Wiley and Sons.
2. Bee H., Boyd D. (2009). The Developing Child. 12th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson.

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