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Endangered Creature
Imagine a creature called a Tongo Lizard.

It is an endangered creature, which means that very few remain and it may
become extinct.

An information book about endangered creatures is being prepared.

Your task is to write the page about the Tongo Lizard.

You can make up the information using your imagination.

Bangkok International Preparatory and Secondary School 1

2. The Amazing Creature
Imagine that you have seen an amazing creature.

You have no idea what it is.

Your task is to write a letter to the Information Service

at the Natural History Museum.

The purpose of your letter is to describe exactly what you

have seen so that it can be identified.

8 , N e w to n P

r v ic e ,
r m a t io n S e se u m ,
fo u
T h e In l H is to r y M
N a tu r e ll R o a d ,
D e a r In f o r m a t io n S e r v ic e , w
C ro m O N
SW 7 5

Think about what the Information Service needs to know.

You might want to include:

• the appearance of the creature – its shape, colour, size and features;

• information about its behaviour – how it moves, what it eats and if it is friendly;

• any other details which could be useful to the Information Service.

Bangkok International Preparatory and Secondary School 2

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