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Dissertation title: The Veil

Exploring the attitudes of young adults living in Malta towards the wearing of the

You can answer all of these questions briefly. I am only investigating one’s
attitude about the subject. It is not necessary for the participant to have a
knowledge about Islam. You can express your own ideas about this particular

1) Are you familiar with this religion/cultural practice? (as in the wearing of
the veil)
(Inti kont taf b’din il-kultura/reliġjon għalfejn il-mara tilbes il-velu?)

2) From where did you learn about it? From what kind of source: internet,
books, school, family, friends etc
(Min fejn sirt taf b’din il-prattika? X’sorsi użajt biex tkun taf dwar din il-
prattika: internet, skola, kotba, familja, ħbieb ecc.)

3) What is your interpretation of this religious practice and why?

(X’inhi l-interpretazzjoni tiegħek tà din il-prattika? Għaliex?)

Help to answer this question:

Do you think the veil makes women look inferior to their male counterparts?
(Taħseb li meta il-mara tilbes il-velu tidher inferjuri minn raġel?)
Do you think they are forced to wear it or do you think they wear it in respect to
their religion/tradition?

(Taħseb li n-nisa huma sfurzati li jilbsu il-velu jew jilbsuh b’rispett lejn ir-religjon u
t-tradizzjoni tagħhom?)

Do you think that the veil represents a backward society?

(Taħseb li il-velu jirrapresenta socjeta li qiegħda iktar lura minn tagħna?)

Why do you think they wear it?

(Għalfejn taħseb li jilbsuħ?)

Do you think that that the veil should be abolished in schools? (As in France and
other European countries are doing)

(Taħseb li il-velu għandu jigi abolit mill-iskejjel bħal ma ġara ġo Franza u f’pajjiżi


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