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Resource, Alignment, and Status Effect Representation

Current health, turn gauge, and unit name are displayed for all player units at the
bottom right corner of the screen. Additionally, The Villagers current alignment is
displayed below their turn gauge.
Current health is represented explicitly as a number, while the turn gauge is an
empty bar that fills with yellow, and alignment is shown on a bar with symbols
representing the alignment thresholds, ranging from control on the left to chaos on
the right.
A marker moves across the alignment bar to show where the players
current alignment is.
The backdrop of this bar fills to indicate how much of the alignment limit
resource is currently had.
When the bar is full and on a current alignment extreme, the entire bar
glows in the color of the alignment in, to indicate the alignment limit can be
The summoned essences resources are positioned above The Villagers name.

Status Effects from special types are represented on the HUD to the left of the units name
with an icon. Icons added are placed to the left of any icon present before it, with space inbetween. If multiple icons are present and the duration of one is finished, that icon
disappears and all remaining icons shift to the right.

For altered stats, there is a colored arrow, or arrows, that represents what stat is
being affected.
These status effects only exist in the form of +/-10%, 20%, and 30%.
Up arrows represent an increase, down arrows a decrease.
Depending on the effects severity, more or less arrows appear of that stats
color. For 10%, 1 arrow is present; 20%, 2 arrows; 30%, 3 arrows.
Arrows of the same color are clustered closely together.
Dark red for attack power, dark blue for magic power, orange for defense,
and purple for resistance.
For turn dependent status effects, the unique icon is an abbreviation or word
denoting the effect. This includes:
CRT x2 for chaos alignment limit
TURN x2 for balance alignment limit
NO DMG for control alignment limit
CRT UP for Greed skill
Health and Speed are the only stats that dont represent a change by icons next to
the unit name. Health is already explicitly displayed, and the units turn gauge
changes color in the instance of a speed altercation. With green faster and red

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