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1. How will the amount of water in the Top of the rocket change how far it goes?

2. If more water is added to the top then the rocket will not go as far because it is heavier.
Amount of water effects distance
ML of water Distance
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 avrg
50ml 45 16 17
100ml 60 23 22
200ml 87 81 90
300ml 57 54 21

4. Same fins-shape-size-number
same amount of water in bottom
same angle of launch
same pressure
5. one empty two liter
one 20oz empty pop bottle
duct tape
launch machine
6. Procedure: Make the rocket- cut out triangle shaped fins (4 in out, 6 in long) and tape them
equal distances around the bottom of the rocket with duct tape. Then tape the two bottles
together with the caps facing away from each other. Then fill Bottom with 1000ml of water.
Also keep the caps on.
Fill top with 50ml of water, shoot off at 45 degree angle, do two trials, and record both
distances. The PSI should be kept the same throughout the whole experiment.
Repeat process with 100ml of water, 150, and 200 ml of water in the top.
Conclusion: Will the amount of water in the top change how far the rocket goes? The answer is yes, I
found that 200ml of water in the top makes the rocket go farther than 100(to light) or 300+(to heavy)

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