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Utensils II

Y: Welcome to Chinese Studio. Wo Shi Yajie.

R: And Wo Shi Raymond. We're here with the wonderful Chinese studio to help you eat!
Y: Yep listening to our show, helps salivate your mouth to want that juicy steak and to chop
down on it.
R: Here are the key words of the day.
Key Words of the Day
Utensil 餐具 fork叉 knife 刀 "I would like some utensils please". 请给我拿副餐具。I’d like a fork
and a knife.我要副刀叉。All in today’s Chinese studio.
R: Hey what's going on here.
Y: I dunno I don't think they like you.
R: Yea exactly, they haven't given me any utensils or place settings!
Y: Hold it in Raymond! Use the force and don't let it get to you.
R: That's it, teach me how to say "I would like some utensils please". 请给我拿副餐具。
Qing2 gei2 wo3 na2 fu4 can1 ju4. please to me bring one utensil.
Qing3: please
Gei2 wo3: to me
Na2: bring or take,
Fu4: is the measure word for utensils; it’s short for yi2 fu4, which means one,
Can1 ju4: utensil,
Y: Hey Raymond, I can obviously tell that the new utensils didn't help you out.
R: Yea, how do you use these two sticks.
Y: Ok, we better get you something else.
R: Yea I'm slow, I think its best to give me a "Fork and a knife"
Y: Here's how you say it. I’d like a fork and a knife. 我要副刀叉。
Wo3 yao4 yi2 fu4 dao1 cha1.
Wo3: I
Yao4: need or would like to have,
fu4: is the measure word for utensils; here it’s used for a fork and a knife.
dao1: knife
cha1: fork
(so in Chinese, usually we say dao1 cha1, knife and fork, not cha1 dao1, fork and knife.)
Y: Whoa don't cut yourself!
R: Yea I forgot how to do all of that.
Y: Well I guess you need to get back to using your hands.

  Coryright 2007 

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