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2nd Week Sharing Time for June 2010

The Holy Ghost Speaks in a Still, Small Voice

From: Sheena Perron of Little LDS Ideas

What you will need for this Sharing Time:

-Wrap a present/gift bag with the words ‘Holy Ghost’ inside. You can also use a picture too.
-Type up several different ways we can invite the Spirit (ideas below)
-Type up several different ways that will turn the Spirit away (ideas below)
-A chalkboard/poster board- Split the board into 2 sections. At the top label one column ‘Invites the Spirit’
and the other side ‘Turns the Spirit Away.’
-A bucket or bag- you will place all the ‘Invites the Spirit’ and ‘Turns the Spirit Away’ papers in this.

Begin your Sharing Time:

Before Sharing Time place your gift somewhere in the Primary room. Don’t make it too easy to get to.
Tell the children that we’re going to be talking about something very important today. Tell them that you
will need a few helpers to begin. Have 1 child come up and blindfold him/her. Then have 2-3 more children
stand up around the room. They will be talking loudly to the blindfolded child (they will try to distract the
child). Then choose 1 more child to whisper directions to the blindfolded child. Show the child that is
whispering, where the present it.
Tell the blindfolded child that somewhere in the room is an object that he/she needs to find. There is
someone here to help, but he/she will need to listen very carefully for the directions he/she will receive. Have
the one child begin telling the blindfolded child where to go. Then have the other 2-3 children begin talking
loudly. Have them tell the child to listen to them, come over here, you’re going the wrong way, etc. Make
sure they aren’t too loud, just loud enough to make it difficult to hear the other child.

Once the child has found the present have him/her bring it up to the front. Have the other children sit down.
Ask the child if it was hard to listen to the right person? Ask if he had to concentrate really hard to listen to
that person? Have the child open up the gift and read it aloud. Explain to the children that what the children
just did is like the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost speaks in a still small voice. Share a story with the children
of listening to the Holy Ghost or share a personal story of a time that you listened to the Holy Ghost. Tell the
children that sometimes the Holy Ghost speaks to us through feelings. Share the different ways the Holy
Ghost talks to us:
We feel it in our hearts- have them touch their hearts
Sometimes words or thoughts come into our minds- have them touch their heads
And sometimes we may hear a voice- have them touch their ears.
-(You could also have them look up scriptures to learn the different ways we can be prompted by the Holy

Tell the children that in order to be guided by the Holy Ghost, we must first do things that will help invite the
Spirit. If we do bad things, the Holy Ghost won’t be able to help guide us. Show the children your poster-
board. Show them each side: Invites the Spirit & Turns the Spirit Away. Next, show the children your bucket
and tell them that in the bucket are pieces of paper with different things written on them. They will need to
take turns coming up and choosing a piece of paper. They will then need to decide which side it goes
on…whether it ‘Invites the Spirit’ or ‘Turns the Spirit Away’.

At the end sing ‘The Holy Ghost’. Have them sing very reverently. You could also ask how everyone
feels…do you feel the Spirit? Close by bearing your testimony of the Holy Ghost.
Here are some scenarios that you can use to play ‘Inviting the Spirit’
Spirit’ Game. Just print & Cut them out.

Pray with real intent Broke my little brother’s toy and then hid it
Have Family Home Evening Told a lie
Read Scriptures every day Didn’t do what my Mother asked.
Invite a friend to church. Spent my tithing money
Took out the garbage without being asked. Talked during the Sacrament
Have family prayer Didn’t do my homework
Pay tithing Talked bad about the new girl at school
Was reverent during Primary Don’t obey all the commandments
Make a goal of going on a mission Don’t listen
Volunteered and help someone in need See someone steal something and don’t tell
Write in a journal Helped prepare Family Home Evening
Kept the Sabbath Day Holy Said my prayers every night
Ask your Mother/Father if you can help. Went to bed early and got up early
Listen to church music Listen to music that has bad language
Watch T.V. shows that your mother has told you
Read the Friend
not to watch.

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