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This Boy’s Life Cheat Sheet

By Tobias Wolff

Big Questions
How are we influenced by the people with whom we spend our time?
Do parents always know best?
How does writing a memoir allow an author to reflect on and interpret his or her life?

(A theme is a fundamental concept, or main idea, that the author is addressing in his or her work. It
often will not be discussed directly but will be demonstrated through the words and actions of the
Growing Up/Coming of Age
Small Town Life

(A symbol, very simply, is one thing that represents another. In literature, a symbol is usually an object,
character, or color used to represent an abstract idea or concept.)
The dead beaver
The rifle
Boy Scouts
The Hill School
Drives to and from the tavern

Important Words

Memoir: A form of autobiographical writing in which the author deals with recollections and memories
from his or her own life.

Literary Nonfiction: A type of writing that uses literary techniques often associated with fiction to tell
about actual people and events.

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