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21 June 2010

Today’s Tabbloid

ROGUE FEED expected one.

I am still here • Even moreso, a dwarf cannot carve a female dwarf and attempt to
JUN 20, 2010 09:35P.M. bring her to life, because there is no such thing as a female dwarf.
The carving process produces male dwarves and nothing else,
except by accident.

• Although there’s no reason a dwarf couldn’t carve more than one

son, dwarven society frowns upon it, seeing it as evidence of
arrogance and self-aggrandizement. The social stigma against
multiple sons extends even to dwarves whose sons were carved
inert, which is part of why dwarves place these “stillborn” children
in a place of honor and respect in a dwarf stronghold.

It has been awhile since I’ve updated this blog. It is coming. I have just • Gnomes too are male, not neuter but, unlike dwarves, they are
been busy and dealing with some personal issues. Things are much incapable of creating their own sons. Some believe that their
better now, but I was in a dark place for awhile. aptitude with magic somehow negates this natural ability of
“normal” dwarves, but there is no evidence that this is so.
Back in October 2009 I was diagnosed with acute depression. I’ve been
working on getting myself better, and May was probably the worse it has And with that I’m off for the day. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers
been for me in a very long time. out there.

I have a big post or two coming within the next week and I will go into
detail. The long and short of it is I am better.


More on Dwarves and Gnomes

JUN 20, 2010 01:37P.M.

Expect a more detailed post on the subject of gnomes soon (probably

tomorrow), but for now here are some additional details, since
comments are continuing to my earlier posts and some of them proceed
from false assumptions.

• Dwarves are male. They’re not neuter, despite the lack of a female
counterpart. Why this should be the case is completely unknown,
even to the dwarves.

• Dwarves cannot intentionally create gnomes any more than they

could intentionally create a human or an elf by trying to carve one
from living rock. The process by which a son is created involves
carving a dwarf and embellishing it with precious metals/gems and
then, at some point, the carving may come to life, typically as a
dwarf but sometimes as a gnome or a knocker. There’s no way to
force the process to result in any particular outcome beyond the

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