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National Pedagogical University Francisco MORAZAN MORAZAN FRANCISCO

To complete your registration process should be in the place and date indicated
to the review of documents, which will deliver the ID card to be presented on te
st day.
Name: Marilia EUNICE NUNEZ PEACE TEGUCIGALPA Identity: 0801197809770 System: CUE
See where you want to study: race you want to study:
Waiting for the claim of license: time card for the claim: Claim Bureau for the
card: Documents to be submitted:
Professor in Natural Sciences Bachelor of Science degree in
Tegucigalpa (Aula Magna) 04/11/2008 Time: 11-12 am 10
1. The "Proof of Registration" signed in February. Identity card (minors must pr
esent a birth certificate and password photo photo card sealed or sealed) Studen
t Visa (for foreigners), Home (foreign) 3. The receipt of payment (original and
on behalf of the applicant) 4. Two passport-size color photographs equal.
ME: Marilia EUNICE NUNEZ PEACE with identification person number 0801197809770 I
declare that I have read and accept all the conditions for registration for
admission process, that I meet all admission requirements and that all the infor
mation you provide on the registration form as part of the admissions process UP
NFM is correct and complete to date and that it is entered only Indeed, having t
he right UPNFM verify such information by any appropriate manner and make decisi
ons according to whether the case.
APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE _______________________________________________
Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán National Pay Ballot law admission test
payment must be made in period 23 to October 31, 2008 Name: Marilia EUNICE NUNE
Z PEACE Identity: 0801197809770
08/10/1915 8:57 0801197809770
Payment will Lps. 150.00 and may be in either of the two following accounts: HSB
C tsp. 50700012-9 BAMER tsp. 115471-5

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