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Amity Business School

Your Assignment
Continuous Assessment File

Deadline: Ist week September.

Amity Business School

Study the following caselet.

It is an example of good communication.
The skills used, have been discussed in the
Amity Business School
I was at a country fair. The day was hot and I was weary. I saw the sign:


The smell of freshly roasted coffee was irresistible.. I went inside.
A smartly dressed young woman approached “good afternoon Sir!
Please help yourself to tea or coffee and some biscuits,”
While I was enjoying the coffee she returned to talk to me’
“would you like to win a “Classic Motorcycle?—there’s no entry fee;
All you have to do is to estimate how much it would cost to repair
that smashed mangled bike over there. If you would give me your
name and address we will deliver the bike to you if your estimate is
closest to the correct amount.”
Sometime later they rang telling me how much I was in error. Followed
by a letter and a Business card just in case I required advice on any
insurance Matters.
Amity Business School

Following the example given in the first slide

analyze an advertisement or any piece of
communication of your choice
Your assignment should be in 3parts.
1. Describe the advertisement.
2. Point out the communication skills used.
3. Point out the negatives if any.
Show how the communication in this particular
advertisement can be improved.
Amity Business School

This assignment carries 15 marks.

The others :
1. Introduce yourself as in an Interview
5 marks
2. Describe an example of
miscommunication 5 marks

1. Total 25marks

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