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Biography of Judith Lin

My name is Judith, I have a older brother who

study in KGV as well. I enjoy playing the piano a
lot, for me, it is a way to express my feelings. I
do not really enjoy playing the pieces I learn
with my teacher, I like playing modern pieces
that are calm and soothing. My first pick was
‘River Flows In You’ by Yiruma and my second is
‘My Heart Will Go on’. I love listening to
music. My favorite artist is Leona Lewis and
sometimes when I listen to jazz I like Earl

I love sports and outdoor activities such as hiking,

camping etc. The three main sports that I do is golf,
tennis and swimming. These three sports are popular
in my family, we do them all the time, during
weekends and holidays.

Throughout my years in KGV I’ve experienced a lot,

both good and bad. I’ve received awards and I’ve
received warnings. Awards give me encouragement
and warnings give me management and direction. I
enjoy most of the subjects but I don’t really like drama and history. Although I am not really
good at English but I enjoy reading. When I was young my favorite author was Roald Dahl. I like
his stories, his poems and how he wrote about himself. Now, I like Richelle Mead, her most
famous series; ‘Vampire Academy’. I really love art, and I like looking at different art works.
Through these art works you can see how each artist has their own style and how they are
different to other artists. I really like Claes Oldenburg and Robert Rauschenberg. They are both
very different. Oldenburg uses objects in our everyday life and makes big sculptures out of
them and Rauschenberg produce a lot of collages.

My first year in KGV, I felt like a stranger, I didn’t know where to go and thought the school was
very big! I saw a lot of unfamiliar faces, people from different year groups. Now, I feel like I am
a part of KGV and KGV is part of me. I learnt a lot in this school, not just academically but I’ve
learnt tolerance, consideration etc.
A lot of people asked me what my dream is, and all I will say to them is: ‘I don’t know’. Because
there are a lot of things that I want to do when I grow up and there’s too much that I cannot
even decide. All I want to do right now is to try new things.

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