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Homebase Breakfast Schedule 10-11


Throughout the year, we will be having Homebase breakfast opportunities.

The reasoning for these breakfasts is to reward students for hard work, allow
students to take responsibility and planning, and to simply continue to foster
good relationships and teamwork within the group. The last Friday of each
month we will hold a breakfast in homebase (unless the school’s schedule
dictates otherwise).

Tentative Breakfast Schedule:

September 24th: Mr. White

October 29th:
November 19st:
December 17th:
January 28th:
February 25th:
March 25th:
April 29th:
May 27th:
June 3rd: Mr. White

Mr. White will be in charge of the first and last homebase breakfast as noted
above. Students will sign up for each of the other dates. There are 8 open
dates and 16 homebase students, and the goal is for two students to share the
responsibility of planning and carrying out the breakfast. Those two
students will be completely in charge of the homebase breakfast (what to eat,
what to drink, theme?, etc.).

We will officially sign up next week, so take this paper home and discuss
with parents/guardians.

Thank you,

Mr. White, 231

“LFOTM”: Last Friday Of The Month

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