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Class exercise – I remember by Natascha Maciejewski

The Sea

I remember the sea - the salty taste on my skin. I remember walking on the pebbles on the
beach, the crunching sound they made as each footstep fell. I remember the smell of
seaweed, that faint fishy odour. I remember watching the waves come in and crash against
the rocks when the ferries came in to dock. I remember the icy coldness against my hands
as I fished out beautiful shining pieces of stone from the water’s edge. I remember climbing
precariously high onto the rocks. They were covered in green stringy seaweed and I had to
hold onto the rocks as I climbed so I wouldn’t slip and fall. I remember the sound of the bay,
a constant hushed whispering, broken by waves crashing, and gulls calling as the fishermen
came home with fresh fish. I remember feeling at home - feeling so a part of that scene that
my heart still aches when I close my eyes and remember. I remember my mother calling to
me as I climbed too high on those slippery rocks. I remember her deep voice. I remember
the feeling of her hand as she held mine in hers. It felt rough, warm, and strong. I remember
feeling safe and happy.

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