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The Joy Luck Club

Acc to me this movie reflects how past experiences affects your future behavior and the outcomes of
this reflected behavior

this movie seriously explains the relationship between a mother and daughter, and also between father
and daughter.

The behaviors covered in this movie as per my perception are

Intellectual Abilities

1 Perceptual Speed

2 Deductive reasoning

3 Memory

It also give a good understanding of social-learning theory

Talking about the first character, the little child, who was forced to learn piano just because her mother
wanted her to be the best in every field.

I feel that each and every person has some dream in his/her own mind when they are kids and if
supported their dreams can become their passion, hence parents should not force their children to
perform the activity which due to any reason they cannot perform because when you force them for
something which they are not meant for can take them on the wrong path.

But that doesn’t mean that parents are always wrong, it is only the concern which they have for their
children and every parents have such concerns but the only thing is that everyone has different way of
looking at things and expressing and this is the reason why things are misinterpreted?

The first child reflects from her behavior that though she is playing piano, it is only for the sake of her
mother and this is her way of expressing love to her mother but the mother is just interested in what
others feel about her daughter and so wants her to be the first

The second mother represents a stubborn attitude, so what, even if her daughter said once that she
does not want to play chess anymore, she just expressed the dislike about her mother using her name
for publicity but after realizing her mistake she also tried to make her mother happy, but because of the
gap made by her mother her daughter’s whole future was spoiled and so their relationship

Generation gap is also one of the factor that comes in the way of a relationship

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