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Making Homemade 

August 12, 2008 by tomorrowtomorrow

I have to use whey a lot.  It’s in all of the fermented veggies I make including, most importantly,
salsa.  So imagine my surprise on Saturday when I went to make some salsa and discovered I had

Well, I put some milk out immediately.  This is how you make whey!

This is two quarts of raw milk in a clean container.  It sat on my counter for two days, until it
curdled. You can also use buttermilk or yogurt, but I haven’t tried those, and then there are
slightly different instructions. It’s important that the milk is raw, though….pasteurized milk
putrefies, raw milk just sours. 
After it’s curdled, line a strainer with a clean dishtowel and place over a large bowl or pot:
It will take hours for it to drain. When it’s mostly done, you can tie the towel up to squeeze the
whey out and let it continue to drip. When it’s done dripping, it’s done. (My dishtowel didn’t
change colors, they are two different ones. )
Here is the whey:
The solids are a cream cheese, a little more sour and tangy than storebought cream cheese. 

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