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Preguntas para el hotel

Hello. Can I help you? ( Hola podria ayudarlo)

yes, please tell me your name and last name ( si por favor digame su nombre y apellido)
sorry, could you spell your last name please?( podria deletrearme su apellido porfavor)
ok... I'll also need your national identification number please. ( su numero de dni por
Ok then... it would be 50 usd for the night. ( son 50 dolares por la noche)
Would you like to pay in cash or with credit card? ( le gutaria pagar con tarjeta de
credito o efectivo?)
Alright! Room 202, here is your key. Thanks and enjoy your stay! ( listo habiatcion
202 esta es su llave gracias diviertase en su estadia)

Preguntas para el shoping

Hello. Can I help you? ( hola podria ayudarlo)

yes, please follow me. I'll show you some models ( si porfavor sigame le voy a mostrar
algunos modelos)
this one costs 25 usd ( cuesta 25 dolares)
would you like to try it ( le gustaria provarsela)
ok, you can go into the dressing room to your left. Please let me know when you finish
( puede meterse en le vestidaro de la izquirda aviseme cuando termine)
Would you like to pay in cash or with credit card? (le gustaria pagar con tarjeta de
crdito o efectivo)
Thanks for your purcharse! ( gracias por su compra)
have a nice day! ( que tenga un bune dia)

preguntas para el restaurant

Hello. Can I help you? ( hola podria ayudarlo)

yes, please follow me... here is your table ( si porfavor sigame esta es su mesa)
Would you like to order now? ( le gustaria ordenar ahora)
what would you like to drink? ( que le gustaria apra tomar)
anything else? maybe a coffe or a dessert? ( algo mas, talvez café o postre)
ok, right away! (enseguida)
Here is your bill ( este es su ticket o cuenta)
Would you like to pay in cash or with credit card? ( le gsutaria pagar con tarjeta o
Thank you . Please come again! Have a very good day ( gracias porfavor vuelva de
nuevo y que tenga un hermoso dia)

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