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Qualities of the 7 Major Rays.

1st.Ray of God Power and Will.

Life Lesson:-- ” Summon Inner Power To Create Constructive

Change. “

The energy of the 1st.Ray :--

--gives you the power which motivates you and drives your efforts
to their completion;

--gives you the determination necessary to fulfil a purpose and

pursue a dream until it becomes a reality;

--gives you attunement with the Divine Will to achieve victory on

your major ray.

The energy of the 1st. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use
the energy of the THROAT CHAKRA correctly:--

--through speaking only positive and uplifting words that support,

encourage and teach others in loving ways;

--by standing up for the truth;

--by speaking your truth;

--by realizing the value of silence;

--by discerning when to speak and when to stay silent ;

--by using the power of the spoken word to bring about positive
change in your life and in society.
eg.-- through the giving of prayers, mantra, affirmations, decrees
and rosaries.
( decrees )

--by letting your throat chakra be the open door for the
expression of Divine Love as God Power;

--by letting your throat chakra radiate the Balanced Power that
will take command over the Earth. ( Balance power with love.)

Positive Qualities of the 1st. Ray.

--the will to be / willpower --leadership

--goodwill --obedience

--power --protection

--faith --divine will

--perfection --right understanding

Negative Expressions of the 1st. Ray.

--need to control; --wilfulness

--condemnation; --impotence

--criticism; --cowardice

--gossip/ idle chatter; --abuse of power

--sarcasm; --doubt
The Will To Be .

“To be or not to be.”

You are either being Who You Really Are or not.

Who are you ?

You were originally created in God’s image and likeness.

You are a Spiritual Being , currently living in a physical body on


You came willingly to Earth in order to express God’s qualities

Eg. Love, joy, peace, harmony, beauty, patience , etc.

Because of the denseness of this material world, you forgot your

spiritual identity and your reason for coming here.

You used your free will and created your ego and you came to
believe that you were only a human being.

You forgot that you had come from God, that you were part of

So it is important to restore the original memory of Who You

Really Are.

Once you have firmly established your true identity, you are then
free to express that unique individuality here on Earth.

You are then choosing to BE Who You Truly Are.

Being Who You are means the realization that you are God in
action, love in action and you know it and allow the unique flame
that you are to express itself.
Goodwill :---

--is having kindly feelings towards others;

--is caring for others who are in need;

--is believing the best about people and acting on that belief.

Power :---

--is energy. Your four lower bodies are containers of God’s Power.

--God has given you the gift of consciousness, of self-awareness,

which gives you power.

--You alone can and must govern your own world through the
right use of power.

--You are the conscious controlling power in your life and in your
world. You can fill it with any quality that is needed or that you

--Your greatest power lies in the pursuit of spiritual goals, in

living a life of honesty and integrity, of truth telling, of humility, of
submitting yourself to the highest powers from the spiritual
world-- ie. your own Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence and the
Ascended masters who are the spiritual teachers for human
beings on Earth.

--The power of the universe is your I Am Presence, your true

Spiritual Self, who acts at your command, at your call, at the
issuing of your decrees and rosaries.

--God’s power is for your use but you must guard against the
desire to claim power of your outer self.
It is the I Am Presence within you who is the doer.
“ I can of mine own self , do nothing;
it is the Father within me ( the I Am Presence ), who does the

Always give full credit and power where it belongs--to the God
within you.

You have creative powers:--

--the power of you vision, your ability to imagine;

--the power of your attention, your ability to focus;
--the power of your qualification, the invisible activity
through your feeling.

There is also :--

--the power of forgiveness;

--the power of the spoken word;
--the power of free will;
--the power of your mind;
--the power of conscious choice.

--By gaining a greater understanding of Who You Really Are and

where you came from, you will gain power to take control over
your own life experience.

--You will be tested over and over again to prove that no matter
what power is offered to you, you will never take it as a
permanent adornment, or use it for personal things of pleasure or
for manipulating and controlling others.

--Your emotions direct your thoughts into a specific action and

the intensity of your emotions will determine the power of the

--God Power can only truly be expressed when you accept the
Oneness of all life.

“ I claim my God Power. “

“ I Am God Power !
God Power I Am ! “

“ I express God Power that is in alignment with the Will of God. “

“ I Am One with God Power. “

“ My power is in the kingdom of that is within me.

“Power is centred in my throat chakra.

“ True power IS Love. “

“ I exercise the power of the spoken word for transformation.”

“ I summon inner power to create constructive change.”

“ I Am the power of God’s Will through the throat chakra. “

“ I Am a Being of limitless power.

Power is brought into my four lower bodies as light. “

“ The material world is a mirror that can only reflect back to me

what I am sending out through the power of my mind. “

“ My throat chakra now radiates the balanced power that takes

command over my four lower bodies and over the Earth.”

“ I use the energy of the throat chakra correctly. “

“ My throat chakra is balanced. “

“ My throat chakra is the open door for the expression of Divine
Love as God Power. “

“ I release all misqualified energy of the throat chakra into the

Violet transmuting Flame---NOW ! “

Divine Will.

The Will of God is within you.

It is your inner blueprint.
It is the design of your soul.

The Will of God is Good.

It will not take from you your essential oneness or your true
identity but is the adornment of that reality.

Because God loves you unconditionally, He only wants the best

for you.

He wants you : --
--To Be Who You Are---your Spiritual Self;
--To reconnect to your God Flame;
--To let your light shine because then your soul will feel its
deepest fulfilment;
--To always be willing to take one step higher on your path;
--To become spiritually self-sufficient;
--To always strive to Be More;
--To make your own decisions and understand why you are
making decisions and what the consequences of those decisions
will be;
--To reconnect to your Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence so that
you can receive divine direction for your life.

The Will of God can always be reduced to the common

denominator of Love, Light and Life.
The Will of God is unique for each person.
The Will of God for you , at your particular stage of the spiritual
path, will not be the same for another person who is at a different


“ The Will of God is good, and it’s good for me. “

“ Not my will, not my will ,not my will,

but Thy will be done, O God ! “

“ I Am One with the Will of God. “

“ God’s Will I Am !
I Am God’s Will ! “

“ God’s Will is ever-expanding--that all life becomes MORE---

forever and ever.

“ I love the Will of God ----the will to BE. “

“ The Will of God is the true will of my soul. “

“ I surrender to the Will of God. “

Faith :--

--is the energy that enables you to carry on even when you do not
know what the outcome will be.

--is the willingness to let God lead you.

--is trusting in God and his laws.

--is looking to God as your Source.

In this age you can draw upon the discoveries of science , so
that instead of having blind faith, you can have a faith based on
understanding, based on the rock of Christ understanding.
eg.-- everything is energy; quantum physics.

True faith is a faith that is based on inner knowing rather than

blind adherence to outer doctrines.
When you reach for the mind of Christ and realign yourself with
the reality of God, you must have faith that God’s reality will be
manifest in your life.
This is a matter of learning how God’s laws work and then
applying those laws with full faith that your inner vision will
become a manifest reality.

Protection :--

--is the ability and willingness to guard and shield your loved
ones and those in your care.

--is the ability to call on Archangel Michael and invoke spiritual

protection for your four lower bodies, your etheric, mental,
emotional and physical bodies.

The energy of the 1st. Ray cause people to selflessly try and
rescue others in dangerous situations.


--is being true to the inner law of your own being.

--is obeying the inner counsel of your Spiritual Self, your I Am


--is following the moral and secular guidelines, rules and laws.

--is the ability to guide others in small and great ways.

--is the ability and willingness to serve others and to draw out
their gifts and talents.

--is realizing that it is the Higher Self, the I Am Presence of each

one , who is the Real leader.

Master the 1st. Ray of God Power and Will by balancing your
willpower with wisdom, love, purity, vision, service and freedom,
the qualities of the other 6 rays.

Willpower is a strong self-determined ability to do or be

“ To be or not to be, that is the question. “

You are either being Who You Really Are--your true Spiritual Self--
or you are not being Who You Really Are--you are instead
allowing your ego or the egos of others or external influences, to
control you and make decisions for you.
See every situation as an opportunity for you to express your
unique divine individuality.

Understand the correct use of your free will and apply its correct
use in every area of your life.

The Law of Free Will states that with the gift of free will, given to
you by God, you can experiment with God’s energy.
You can use God’s energy to create whatever you want , through
your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
The only snag is that whatever you create will be reflected back
to you. You will have to experience the conditions you create.
God wants you to learn from the consequences of your choices.
So see every situation as an opportunity to learn how you can
use your free will, your willpower, to make better choices to
change your life.
The Law of Love states that the very purpose of life is to grow
and become More. You are either becoming More---more of Who
You Really Are or you are becoming less--expressing your ego.

When expressing your free will, you need to examine your

motives and purify them so that you are not violating or going
against God’s laws and creating negative circumstances for

You need the vision of Oneness, the understanding of the your

Oneness with God and with all others, the Oneness of all life.
Once you accept this oneness, you are free to use your free will
in ways that will raise all of life and not just your lower self, who
is ruled by the ego.

When you use your free will to reconnect to your Spiritual Self,
your I Am Presence, you will then be able to express your true
individuality and not your ego.

You will thus naturally want to serve life, to give service to

others, to raise them up .

You are not free to do what you want without regard to the

The Law of Cause and Effect states that you are ultimately
responsible for how you use God’s energy.
If you misuse God’s energy, if you violate or go against God’s
laws , you will create negative consequences for yourself which
will lead to pain, suffering and limitations in your life.

Seek to follow the Middle Way---the way of balance .

The 1st. Ray corresponds to Right understanding---one

understanding of the
points of the Eight-fold Path of the Buddha.
Right understanding enables you to make right choices.
Before you can make such choices, you need to understand your
true identity and how the world works.

You are a Spiritual being , living currently in a physical body ,

here on Earth.
You have come to Earth to fulfil your divine plan , which is unique
to you.
Your plan includes the need to balance your karma, to learn your
lessons and to learn how to use God’s energy and laws correctly.

Daily a stream of spiritual energy comes into your lower being

from God--from Your own Higher self--Your I Am Presence.
You are held accountable for the use you make of God’s energy.

To help you learn how to correctly use this energy, the universe
has been designed to act like a giant cosmic mirror.
Whatever you send out through your thoughts, words, feelings
and actions, will be reflected back to you in your life
You are the creator of your own life.
Once you take responsibility for your own life, because you now
understand how life works, you are now in a position to make
right choices.
When making a choice, consider:--
--Will your choice be beneficial to all concerned ?
--Is your motive pure or selfish?
--Will your choice lift up yourself or others or pull you down ?
--Will your choice create negative karma for yourself ?

You have the gift of free will.

So use your free will to choose wisely.

Motivation on the 1st. Ray.

Motivation is the reason or inspiration you need to spur you on to

follow and complete a particular course of action.
In order to Be or do something or to fulfil a purpose or pursue a
dream until it becomes reality, you need the 1st. Ray quality of
Willpower is a strong, self-disciplined determination.
The energy of the 1st. Ray gives you the power which motivates
you, which drives your efforts so that you keep going until

When you first start to follow a spiritual path, your motivation is

usually one of self-interest. It is usually the desire to improve
your own life that provides the motivation, the spur you need to
get you started.

But it is advisable to be aware that there is no quick fix answers.

It will require work on your part, for you need to :--
--deal with your own psychology, seeking therapy if necessary;
--draw back from worldly things and thinking which will distract
you and hold you back from pursuing the spiritual path;
--overcome the downward pull created by your past lives and the
mass consciousness.

To help you there are spiritual techniques to help you , such as

affirmations, decrees and rosaries.

For decrees --go to

For rosaries-go to--

Once you have successfully dealt with these things, you will find
that in order to continue growing spiritually , you will need to
change you emphasis, change your motivation.

You will need to turn from self- interest towards being focused on
the growth of others.

You will need to see the importance of using what you have
learnt to help others.

When you accept the true spiritual nature of yourself and others
you will realize that we all came from the same Source--that we
are all One with God and One with each other--and this will be
your motivation for focusing on the growth of others.

“ My motives are pure. “

“ I strive to do everything out of love for God Above,

and out of love for God below,
for I see God in every form and even in planet Earth. “

2nd.Ray of God Wisdom and Balance.

Life Lesson:-- ” To Create Unity out of Diversity.”

The energy of the 2nd. Ray :--


--gives you wisdom and enlightenment;

--dispels ignorance;

--gives you knowledge that there is only One---only God;

--enables you to connect to a higher source of knowledge--your

own higher mind which is one with the mind of God;

--gives you the understanding that you need to share what you
have received with others.

The energy of the 2nd. Ray can be mastered as you learn to

use the energy of the CROWN CHAKRA correctly.

You can do this by :--

--by studying spiritual teachings;

-by on-going learning;

--by striving to transcend--to go beyond---the limits of the human


--by taking time to be still and listen for your own inner direction;

--by obtaining knowledge of your Inner Self and your Oneness

with all life;

--by letting your crown chakra be the open door for the
expression of Divine Love as God Wisdom;

--by letting the crown chakra radiate the All- pervading Wisdom
that will eradicate all ignorance.


“ My crown chakra is a lotus of Violet Fire !

My crown chakra is the purity God desires ! “

“ My crown chakra now radiates the All-Pervading Wisdom that

eradicates all ignorance. “

“ I use the power of my crown chakra correctly.

“ My crown chakra is the open door for the expression of Divine

Love as God Wisdom. “

“ I release the misqualified energy of my crown chakra into the

Violet transmuting Flame---NOW ! “
Positive Qualities of the 2nd. Ray.

--illumination --wisdom

--self-knowledge --understanding

--enlightenment --open-mindedness

--discernment. --judgment

--right thought.

Unbalanced Expressions of the 2nd. Ray.

--intellectual and spiritual pride;






--I ----Lumin-----ation.

“ I “ = I Am Presence.

“ Lumen” = “light”.

“ation” = “ in action “.

Illumination = “ I Am light in action. “

--True illumination leads to “ illumined action.”

--The illumined actions of your mind and heart working together

will bring the enlightenment of your Higher Self, your I Am
Presence, to function in the physical plane.


Wisdom == “ wise dominion “ over your four lower bodies and

the Earth.

Wisdom == is the ability to use your experience and knowledge

to make sensible decisions and judgments.

Wisdom == is to take what you have learnt and internalised and

apply it, make use of it, in your own life.

Wisdom is realizing that everything is created by the power of

the mind, everything is energy.

Wisdom is needed so that you know:--

--Who You Really Are;

--why you are here;

--what is your divine plan;

--when cycles have moved on ;

--when it is time for you to move on, to let go of some limitation,

to demonstrate to others that it is possible to rise above such

Wisdom is that which is in alignment with the laws of God and

His creative intent for you and this material world, so that you
can continually grow and become More of Who You Really Are.

You can bring wisdom into this world by :--

--quickening the mind;

--by quickening the soul, to make the soul rise above the level of
the outer mind. The soul needs to be made to see that there is
more to life than the outer mind, that there is much more that it
can understand and know.


“ I claim my God Wisdom.

“ I Am God Wisdom !
God Wisdom I Am ! “

“ God’s Wisdom is my highest vision. “

“ I express God Wisdom

that is in alignment with the Will of God. “

“ I Am One with God Wisdom. “

“ I have understanding and wisdom centred in my crown chakra.”

Wisdom is :--
Taking Dominion over Your Four Lower Bodies.

Your four lower bodies are vehicles of expression which enable

you to express yourself in the material world.

They are :---

--the Identity/Memory / Etheric Body;

--the Mental Body;

--the Emotional / Desire Body;

--the Physical Body / conscious mind.

Each body:--

--has a separate consciousness, yet together they act as a whole,

influencing each other and expressing themselves together.

--has a separate function and is designed to help your soul carry

out its mission on Earth.

--is composed of energy which vibrate at a different rate from the


The energies of these bodies need to be mastered so that they

serve as the best possible instruments for the growth and
development of your soul.

Your I Am Presence needs to take dominion, to take control

over your four lower bodies so that they are a perfect vehicle for
the fulfilment of your divine plan.

“ My four lower bodies are the container of Self

which hold the light and the movement of light,
freely receiving and freely giving. “

“ My four lower bodies are vehicles of expression for the “ right

use “ of the energies of my I Am Presence. “

“ My four lower bodies are now charged with the Will of God and
my divine blueprint. “

“ I Am the Resurrection and the Life of every cell and atom in my

four lower bodies, now made manifest. “

“ My four lower bodies are pure and in alignment with my I Am

Presence. “

“ My four lower bodies reflect the purity and purpose of my I Am

Presence. “

“ My outer life, my four lower bodies are a reflection of my divine

plan and my true God-given individuality , which is anchored in
my I Am Presence. “

“ My four lower bodies only contain images that are in harmony

with the Laws of God and with my divine plan. “

Your Identity Body is the container for your personal sense of


Your core identity is your I Am Presence which is an

individualization of a specific God Flame.

Your sense of identity also includes:--

--how you see the world;

--how you see God;

--and your relationship to the world and God.

Your Identity Body also contains all the memories of your

experiences of all your lifetimes that you have had in the
material universe.

Your Identity Body is designed to enable you to express your

creative abilities and your divine identity in this world.

Through this body you can maintain a connection to your I Am

Presence, which resides permanently in the spiritual realm.

Any imbalance in the Identity Body can cause you to go into one
of two extremes:--
1) where you have no identity or sense of self worth.

2) where you have a very rigid sense of identity, which keeps you
closed and unwilling to seek for a higher understanding. This
keeps you trapped in a certain frame of mind which prevents you
from making spiritual progress.

Affirmations :--

“ My Identity Body is the container for my personal sense of

identity. “

“ My core identity is my I Am Presence, which is an

individualization of a specific God Flame. “

“ My sense of identity also includes ---how I see the world and

God and my relationship to them both.”

“ My Identity Body also contains the memories of my experiences

of this lifetime and all past lifetimes that I have had in the
material realm. “
“ My Identity Body is designed to enable me to express my
creative abilities and my divine identity in the material realm.

“ Through my Identity Body , I maintain a connection to my I Am

Presence, which resides permanently in the spiritual realm. “

Mental Body.

Your Mental Body is the container for your thoughts--about

yourself and the world and how the world works.

Your thoughts are very much determined by your sense of


Your thoughts relate to how you understand the details of the

larger picture that is determined by your Identity Body.

Your thoughts need to be purified from all that is less than the
perfection of the Christ mind.

The Mental Body can be mastered by learning to master the

energy flowing through your third-eye chakra and your seat-of-
the-soul chakra.

Learn to control and discipline your thoughts.

Thinking positive thoughts creates a matrix that can magnetize

positive circumstances to you.

Negative thoughts can be destructive and take you off course

and far from your divine plan and purpose.

Any imbalance in your Mental Body can cause you to become

overly intellectual, approaching spiritual growth as an
intellectual exercise.
Be aware of spiritual, intellectual and human pride, of a tendency
to feel superior to others.


“ My Mental Body is the container for my thoughts---thoughts

about myself, the world and how the world works. “

“ My Mental Body is pure and my thoughts are in harmony with

the higher desires and plans of my Identity Body. “

“ I master my Mental Body through my Third-Eye Chakra and my

Soul Chakra. “

“ My thoughts are very much determined by my sense of identity.

My thoughts relate to how I understand the details of the larger
picture that is determined by my Identity Body. “

“ My Mental Body is clear from all need to compare and judge

myself and others. “

Emotional / Desire Body.

Your Emotional Body is the container for the feelings or emotions

that you have about yourself and the world.

Emotions = energy in motion.

Emotions are the forerunners for physical action.

They determine how you act upon your thoughts.
In order to move into action, your emotions need intensity and

Your Emotional Body also contains your desires and they can
conflict with your higher goals.

Learn to have only right desires.

A right desire:--

--is based on Oneness with the Source of life;

--will make you feel whole, fulfilled and nurtured;

--springs from the drive to part of the self-transcendence of God;

--springs from the drive to share God’s abundance;

--springs from the drive to become more of God, and less of the
human ego. It is the sense of becoming more that gives you true,
inner nurturance.

--springs from the drive to express your divine individuality.

--causes you to give, so that you can receive more from God and
be part of the River of Life that constantly brings more
abundance to this world.

Examine all your desires and see whether they spring from a
sense of being separated from the whole or the drive to magnify
the whole.

Ideally , your emotions should be a reflection of your thoughts

which are a reflection of your sense of identity that are again a
reflection of your divine individuality.

The Emotional
Emotional Body can be mastered by mastering the energy
flowing through your throat chakra and your solar-plexus chakra.
As you take control , as you take dominion over the inner world
of your thoughts and emotions , your outer situations will reflect
your inner peace.

Your Emotional Body is meant to take the thoughts that are

formulated in your Mental Body and give them movement
(emotion= energy - in - motion ) so they can manifest in the
material realm.
Your emotions are meant to flow.
If you suppress them you will block up the natural flow of energy
through your being which can cause psychological problems.

The Emotional Body is affected by your passions, cravings, greed

and covetousness, which make you seek for more and more
power and control over others.
It makes you feel that nothing is ever enough or good enough.
Bring your emotions under control by controlling your thoughts.

Examine your basic beliefs and attitudes towards life and see
how they give rise to specific thoughts that you then release
through certain emotions.


“ My Emotional Body is the container for my feelings that I have

about myself and the world. “

“ My Emotional Body is the vehicle for the mastery of my

emotions. “

“ My Emotional Body contains my desires. “

“ My Emotional Body is in harmony with my highest desires and

plans. “

“ My emotions are pure, balanced and harmonious. “

“ God’s light flows unhindered into and through my Emotional

Body. “

“ My emotions determine how I act upon my thoughts.”

“ In order to move me into action, my emotions need intensity

and direction.”
“ My emotions are a reflection of my sense of identity and my
identity is a reflection of my divine individuality. “

“ My Emotional Body is clear from the feeling that nothing is ever

enough or good enough. “

There is a natural flow of energy through your being.

Energy streams from your Spiritual Self through your Identity

Body , where is coloured by your view of the world.
Then the energy flows into your Mental Body and is coloured by
your thoughts.
The energy then flows into your Emotional Body where it takes
on the direction and intensity determined by your emotions.
Finally, the energy is translated into physical action carried out
by your brain, nervous system and your physical body.


“ My Physical Body is the vehicle for the mastery in the physical

plane. It is the vehicle for power and action. “

“ My Physical Body is used

to anchor the light of Spirit in matter. “

“ I learn my spiritual lessons through my opportunity to live in a

physical body here on Earth. “

“ My Physical Body is clear from all attachments to the things of

this world. “

You can only take control, take dominion over these four bodies
by realizing that you have no power of your own.
You can only direct God’s power through the use of your
When you place your attention on something, power flows
through your four lower bodies over the bridge of your attention.
The power will be coloured by each of the bodies.

Realize that it is God within, your I Am Presence, who is the true

It is the God in you, the I Am , that has dominion over the Earth.

“I and my Father are one.”

“My Father works hitherto, and I work.”

“ I can of mine own self do nothing, it is the Father (I Am

Presence) within who does the work.”


“ Man Know Thyself.”

--Who Are You ?

--You are :--

--a spiritual being;

-- a child of God living in a physical body with a human


--You have a divine nature .

A part of God lives deep inside you, which is your personal
source of power in this world.

--Another part of your being is your Higher Self, your Christ Self---
who is your inner teacher.

--To become enlightened you need to change your perspective,

the way you look at and perceive things.

You need to see the reality that is hidden behind the veil of
separation---Spirit behind matter.

--True enlightenment means:--

--you are awake to your inner potential;

--you overcome the illusion that you are a separate being, that
you are separated from God and all other beings;

--you overcome this separation and accept that you are One with
your Source .

--and you are willing to follow the Path of Oneness;

--you understand the limitations of your lesser self and the

limitless resources of your Greater Self;

--You deal judiciously with people and situations from an

enlightened perspective, you show good judgment;

--you overcome the state of consciousness that ties you to the

wheel of suffering, the endless dualistic struggle;

--you realize that it is in your own self - interest to follow Jesus’


“ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. “


--is the ability to make evaluations.

--to tell truth from error.

--to recognize when actions, attitudes, qualities and

characteristics are not following the divine patterns of life.

--to recognize wrong actions without denouncing the doer.

--to recognize that there is a higher truth that is not man-made.

--to realize that this higher truth must be expressed according to

the actual situation you are in.

Exercise your discernment by asking questions that no one else

is prepared to ask or that you yourself have been unwilling to ask
thus far.

Use your discernment to find out if a particular spiritual teacher ,

teaching or organization has a genuine flow of the Spirit.
Discern the contents and form of that flow of the Spirit.
Discern whether that flow is being used for self-transcendence or
to keep people in a comfortable position which eventually causes
stagnation and stops the flow of the River of life.


To be open-
open-minded you need to be attuned to your Higher mind.

Being open-
open-minded is a necessary quality when you are following
a spiritual path.
This is because there is a tendency for any spiritual teaching to
be distorted or changed over time and made into systems that
keep people trapped at a certain level.
If you are open-
open-minded :--

--you will see life as a journey of self-discovery, which is on-


--you will seek to expand your knowledge and understanding;

--you will not be afraid or reluctant to change your beliefs when

they no longer serve you;

--you will be willing to look at new ideas and if they seem

reasonable you take them on board. If they seem unreasonable,
you will leave them alone.

A true spiritual teaching will always encourage you :--

--to Be More;

--never to stand still;

--always to be willing to take the next step on the spiritual path.


--True judgment is not human judgment .

Human judgment
judgment springs from the human ego who thinks that by
judging others, by looking at the faults of others and magnifying
them, it will somehow make itself look better and more
important. It seeks to tear down so that it can raise itself up and
make itself appear superior.

--True judgment accepts that we are all God’s children, we are all
extensions of God and therefore we are all equal in God’s eyes.
We may be at different levels on the spiritual path and have
different attainment, but no one is more important than any

--We all make mistakes but we are here on Earth to learn our
We cannot tell what karma another person has to bear or what
condition or situation they have agreed to take on in order to
fulfil their divine plan.
So we are in no position to judge another.

--You own spiritual growth will be severely restricted if you allow

yourself to be drawn into the ego- game of judging others.

--By judging others you will also make negative karma for
yourself and set the law of Cause and Effect in action.

“ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

“ Judge not lest you be judged. “

“ Judge no man but to love him.”


--Your search for truth and understanding should never be

confined to an outer framework.

--You achieve understanding by Self-knowledge through contact

with your Higher Self, your Christ Self.

--Be open-minded and you will find the understanding that you

--When you are ready for a higher understanding

understanding you will
immediately be presented with a way to attain that
--You need to understand:--

--that everything is made from energy;

--energy acts through your ability to focus and imagine;

--energy acts and pulls on your attention;

--you qualify energy either positively or negatively.

--With your gift of free will you can experience and use God’s
energy to create whatever you want as long as you realize that
by the Law of cause and Effect you will have to experience what
you have created.

--Realize the creative power of the words---” I AM.”

--Realize that you have an I Am Presence and Christ Self--your

connection to the spiritual realm.

The 2nd. Ray corresponds to Right Thought,

Thought one of the points of
the Eight-fold Path of the Buddha.

Right thought :--

-- is to have the intention of goodwill and harmlessness towards

all life.

--it is to develop thoughts of loving kindness, non-greed and

compassion , which will enable you to overcome self-centred

The 2nd. Ray of God Wisdom can be mastered by balancing it

with the qualities of the other 6 rays---ie. willpower, love, purity,
vision, service and freedom.

Wisdom is knowing and acting upon the truth that you know

To balance wisdom you need to know :--

--that you create your life experiences through the power of your
own mind.

--that you have free will so you can choose to create what you

--that you have 4 lower bodies , which are vehicles of expression

here on Earth, and how they work.

--that these bodies need to be cleared of all impurities so that

they can be perfect vehicles for the fulfilling of your divine plan
and purpose here on Earth.

See --
manymansions.html -- for a more detailed explanation.

--that without unconditional love your creations cannot be


--that you need to purify your motives , to make sure that your
motivation is not for selfish reasons but for the love of God and
because you want to help raise up other people and help bring
God’s Kingdom to Earth.
Your desire to create should be so that you can share what you
know and what you have received with others.
Be willing to teach others how to create through the power of
their minds.

--that you need to give other people the same freedom that you
yourself have, to be, to do , to have and to create their own lives.
ego-centred is a misuse of the 2nd. Ray energy.
Being ego-
To learn about how the ego was formed and the games the ego
plays go to

3rd. Ray of God Love and Selfless Giving.

Life Lesson:-- “ Become Love in Action. “

The energy of the 3rd. Ray :--

--enables you to make contact with your Spiritual Self, your I Am

Presence, through your threefold flame, the divine spark, which
God has placed in your heart.

--enables you to change or “alter” aspects of yourself, including

your sense of identity , when you go within to the altar of your

--gives you the impetus to :--

--do random acts of kindness;

--accept God’s plan for yourself and loved ones;
--actively appreciate others;
--forgive others;
--be sensitive to needs of others;
--be understanding.

The energy of the 3rd. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use
the energy of the HEART
HEART CHAKRA correctly:--

--by loving your I Am Presence with constancy and faithfulness.

--by cultivating mercy and compassion;

--by using right speech, by realizing that whatever is in your heart
will be expressed through your spoken words.
Only love can be the instrument of right speech.

--by seeing that challenging circumstances in your life can be

opportunities to keep your heart open.

--by exercising your heart through devotion and meditation.

--by letting the heart chakra be the open door for the expression
of Divine love in its purest form---unconditional love.

--by letting the heart chakra radiate the perfect love that will
cast out all fear.

--by guarding the heart against all negativity, hatred, mental

criticism, hardness of heart, envy and the death wish.

--by acknowledging and appreciating the beauty in yourself and


--by setting healthy boundaries in your relationships.

--by recognizing the power of softness, that a soft answer turns

away wrath.

--by nourishing and expressing your caring, feminine side, the

side of yourself that has to do with the building of relationships,
coaching and team work.

--by expanding your heart chakra through listening to waltzs and

music played on a harp.

Positive Qualities of the 3rd. Ray .

--love --compassion

--beauty --creativity

--generosity --selflessness

--comfort --appreciation

Unbalanced expressions of the 3rd. Ray.


--hatred --dislike

--selfishness --self-pity

--human sympathy --negligence

Compassion :--

--empowers and supports others but does not smother them.

It empowers because it helps us to learn the spiritual lessons
which are inherent in all of life’s challenges.

Your support and caring should never cushion others from

learning their own lessons and growing from them.

Sometimes those we love the most , need a dose of reality in

order to wake them up.
Sometimes ,all you can do is release them and let them go so
they can learn their lessons.
If they ask for advice you can share with them the knowledge of
God’s laws ( Law of love; Law of free Will; Law of Cause and
Effect ---see notes on 1st. Ray) so they can begin to see how the
world works.
--Compassion does not blame others for the circumstances of
life. The most important thing to realize is that it is our reaction
to those circumstances that will help us grow spiritually or go
backwards or even come to a halt.

--Compassion will always lift up others so that they can realize

their full potential.
It supports them while they refine their soul.


--Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When you look at someone , you can choose to see their human
frailties and mistakes or you can choose to see that behind all
outer appearances there is the beauty of the inner Spiritual being
and treat them accordingly.

--The ability to create beauty in some form is necessary for the

nurturing of each soul.


--Love is the flowing essence , the ephemeral quality of God that

holds everything together.

--Human beings cannot generate love. They have to receive it

from their Source--their I Am Presence ---before they can express
it towards others.

--You can increase your capacity to release love through

disciplining your energy, your supply, your expression, the hours
of the day, and your service to life.

--You are loved by God because he created you as an

individualization of His own being.
Love God as your Spiritual Self--your I Am Presence.
--To love others as yourself, you must know that they too are
extensions of God. Therefore they are extensions of your own
Greater Self and therefore you are connected to them through
your own connection to God.

--Love all people unconditionally. Do not judge them or look down

on them because they have made mistakes or expressed
imperfections. We are all here on Earth to learn our lessons and
grow spiritually.

--Realize that in every situation, the goal should be to produce

the maximum spiritual growth for every person.

--Respond to all situations and people with Divine Love--

unconditional love---a love that does not accept any imperfection
as ultimately real or as permanent.


--Light or energy is the basic substance from which everything in

this universe is created.

--God’s light is constantly flowing through your being.

A stream of spiritual energy flows from your I Am Presence and
you can use this enery to co-create in this material world.
You are a co-creator with God.
He provides the light/ energy and you create through the power
of your imagination and your attention.

--God’s law states that you will create what you allow your
attention to dwell upon.

--You can never stop creating. You are either creating

consciously or unconsciously.
So you need to use your free will, your willpower , to make the
decision that you will create consciously.
You must be aware of what you want to create by first purifying
your motives. Your motive should always be promoted by love for
others and by your desire to raise up the All and not just your
separate self.
You can only do this when you know and accept the Oneness of
all life.

--You need to know how you create and the importance of

creating within the framework of God’s laws, especially the Law
of love; Law of free will; Law of Cause and Effect. ( see notes on
1st. Ray)

You create by using your creative powers correctly.

You have the gift of free will, the gift of awareness, the ability to
imagine , and the ability to focus your attention on your desire

By focusing your attention you direct your images on to the the

light/energy of God which will manifest in the physical world in

But before this spiritual energy reaches your conscious mind, it

must pass through your subconscious mind where it will be
influenced by the beliefs you have about yourself, your identity,
about God and about the world in which you live.
Many of these beliefs do not serve you and do not allow you to
reach your full potential. Therefore, if you want to grow
spiritually , there is need for you to purify your beliefs.
You also need to purify the energy that you have misused in the

This can be done through the giving of Violet Flame decrees and
the Aquarian Age Rosaries .
( )

--You can also purify your creative efforts by taking note of what
you are creating, what the cosmic mirror is reflecting back to you
, to teach you where you are misusing your power, wisdom , love
and creative powers.

--When you are creating you must ensure that you do not violate
the free will of other people, that you do not take away their
freedom to be, to do and to create their own reality.
Release all desire to control and manipulate others.

--When you are co-creating you must be in harmony with you own
Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence and your spiritual brothers and
sisters with whom you feel oneness.


--To be generous means that :--

--you are unselfish;

--you are ready to give freely what you have received;
--you are free from pettiness of mind and character.

--Why should you be generous ?

--Because it is in your own self interests to do so.

For we are all One and what you do for others --you are ultimately
doing for yourself.

--As you freely give, you will also freely receive, for the Law of
Cause and Effect will return to you whatever you send out.


--offer comfort to those who need it, those who are grieving or

--Comfort springs from the love which is in your heart.

--When you give comfort to someone who is in distress , you bring

ease into the situation. You enable the distressed person to
express how they feel in a loving and accepting way.
But do not encourage them to wallow in self-pity but give them
hope and spiritual truths which will help them.

--As you offer comfort to others , by the law of return, you will
receive comfort when you need it.

The Heart Chakra :--


--is the spiritual energy centre that is the very centre of your four
lower bodies.

--is the centre of the energy field that you truly are here in the 4
planes of matter.

The light of God , the light from your I Am Presence, descends

into your four lower bodies, and this very light gives you life and
the ability to co-create the abundant life.

This light enters your lower being through the Secret Chamber of
the Heart Chakra which is a chakra hidden behind the heart

This spiritual centre has been placed there by your Spiritual Self,
your I Am Presence.
This is your connection to God.
This light is the pure white Mother Light and it springs forth in a
threefold manifestation , a threefold flame .

--It is called the threefold flame because it has three aspects

which express the three main qualities of Spirit.

--The blue aspect represents Divine love expressing as power or

the “ will to Be .”

--The yellow aspect represents Divine Love expressing as

wisdom or balance or the “ direction to Be. “
--The pink aspect represents Divine love expressing as love
which sets life free from bondage and restrictions.

--The size of this flame determines how much spiritual light can
flow from your I Am Presence ( which resides permanently in the
spiritual realm ) into your lower being, here on Earth.
Its size also determines your creative powers.

--To increase your creative powers, you need to enable your

threefold flame to grow and expand. This can happen only as you
balance each of the three aspects of that flame.

--If one of the aspects of that flame in unbalanced, you will tent
to misuse your creative powers. This will reduce the size of the
flame which will then restrict the flow of spiritual light into your
being, thus restricting your creative powers.

--To balance your threefold flame, consider:--

--the need to align your being with God’s laws ( especially the
Law of Love; the Law of Free will; the Law of Cause and Effect.)
(see notes on 1st. Ray.)

--Study the characteristics of each of the three aspects of this


--Reflect on which characteristics you are already manifesting.

See which you are lacking.
See where there is an imbalance and then work on balancing the
missing characteristics.

Blue Aspect of Power.

--patience in pursuing goals --perseverance

--strong desire to succeed --determination
--leadership qualities --efficiency
--responsibility --hard-working
--productive -- competent
--independent --organized
--self-disciplined --accountable
--practical --self-confident
--motivated --self-controlled
--self-directed --enthusiasm

Yellow Aspect of Wisdom.

--orderly --make wise decisions

--imaginative --intuitive
--resourceful --detailed
--learns quickly --adaptable
--communicative --precise
--moral --thirsty for knowledge
--think and act quickly -- systematic
--neat --honest
--discerning --creative
--insightful --thorough

Pink Aspect of Love.

--dutiful --devoted
--loving --obedient
--sociable --tender
--supportive --optimistic
--motherly --trustworthy
--gracious -- grateful
--loyal --sensitive to others
--dependable --warm-hearted
--artistic --co-operative

“ Beloved I Am Presence,
I demand and command a balanced flow of power, wisdom and
love in my being. “

“ My heart chakra now radiates the perfect love that casts out all

“ My heart chakra is balanced. “

“ My heart chakra is the open door for the expression of Divine

love in its purest form. “

“ I release all misqualified energy of my heart chakra into the

Violet transmuting Flame---NOW !

“ My heart chakra is a chakra of Violet Fire !

My heart chakra is the purity God desires ! “

“ My threefold flame is balanced. “

Master the 3rd. Ray through Balance.

The 3rd. Ray can be mastered by balancing it with the qualities of

the other 6 rays,---willpower, wisdom, purity, vision, service and

Use your free will , your willpower, to choose to see every

situation in your life as an opportunity to express more love to
God and unconditional love to all life.

Learn the difference between human love and divine love.

Divine love cannot be generated from within yourself but only
from the Source of love---God.
When you love with divine love , you will always seek to raise up
others by giving freely of yourself.
Learn to respond to all situations and all people with divine love.
Realize that your heart is the centre of your being.
It is the very centre of your creative powers which are filtered
through the heart chakra , thus colouring whatever conditions
exist in that energy centre.

keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of
life. “ ( proverbs 4: 23)

Whatever is in your heart will be expressed through your mouth.

So it is important to clear the heart of all imperfections and
impurities, such as, fear, anger, hatred and anxiety.

To do this effectively, you can use--

-- “ Rosary for Clearing the Heart “-- a powerful spiritual
technique, found at:--

Balance your Threefold Flame by balancing the qualities of love,

wisdom and power in your being.

In every life situation, your aim should be to ensure that all

concerned have the best possible opportunity to grow spiritually
and learn their spiritual lessons.

See that you are an extension of God and that all other people
are also extensions of God.
At the deepest level of your beings , you are all connected.
You are all One.
Thus, what you to do to another, you have also done to yourself
and thus you will surely reap what you have sown.

Give service to life, to others, to God because:--

--you love God.
--you love all others as extensions of God.
--you want to help raise up others and not just your lower,
separate self.
--you want to help bring God’s Kingdom to Earth.
Give others the freedom to be, to do, to have, to create their own
reality---by always being aware that we all have been given the
gift of free will. If you violate, or go against this basic spiritual
law, you will reap negative experiences for yourself.


“ I open my Being to Love.

I allow this Love to take me where I need to go in order to fulfil
my divine plan.”

“ I Am The Flame of Love. “

“ I Am the open door for the Flame of Love. “

“ I claim my God love ! “

“ I Am God Love ! “

“ I Am in alignment with the Love of Christ. “

“ I have the victory of the Love Flame in my heart. “

“ I Am Love in action ! “

“ I Am God’s unconditional; Love manifest here ! “

“ God’s Love is unconditional and non-judgmental. “

“ The essential quality of Divine Love is ---Self-transcendence

--the drive to BE MORE ! “
4th. Ray of God Purity.

Life lesson:-- “ Wed the Material To The Spiritual. “

The energy of the 4th. Ray :--

--enables you to make plans.

--enables you to strive for excellence and perfection.

--enables you to be practical and grounded in the material realm.

“ I use the 4th. Ray energy to make plans, to strive for excellence
and perfection and to be practical and well grounded in the
material realm. “

The energy of the 4th. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use
the energy of the BASE-OF-THE-SPINE CHAKRA correctly:--

--by being practical in your daily life.

--by choosing right actions.

--by appreciating the Earth as a platform for your spiritual growth,

so you can learn your lessons.

--by taking care of your physical body because you know that it
houses your true, Spiritual Self.

--by realizing that you are in the world, but you are not of the

--by being non-attached to material possessions.

--by seeing the inner, spiritual essence behind all outer


--by appreciating nature and learning her lessons and applying

them to your own life.

--by respecting and nurturing the feminine aspect of yourself.

--by letting your base chakra be the open door for the expression
of Divine love as God Purity.

--by letting your base chakra radiate the Immaculate Purity that
will raise all people to accept that they are worthy to receive and
express God’s love.


“ I am practical in my daily life.”

“ I choose only right actions. “

“The Earth is a platform for my spiritual growth, so I can learn my

spiritual lessons. “

“ I take care of my physical body because it houses my true,

Spiritual Self. “

“ I am in the world but I am not of the world. “

“ I choose to be non-attached to my material possessions. “

“ I see the inner, spiritual essence behind all outer appearances.

“ I appreciate Nature. I learn her lessons and apply them to my

own life. “

“ I respect and nurture the feminine aspect of myself. “

“My base chakra is the open door for the expression of Divine
Love as God Purity.”
“My base chakra radiates the Immaculate Purity that raises all
people to accept that they are worthy to receive and express
God’s love. “

Positive Qualities of the 4th. Ray.

--purity --hope

--joy --self-discipline

--integration --perfection

--nurturing --order

The Ascension is the major initiation of the 4th. Ray.

Expressions of the 4th. Ray.

Unbalanced Expressions

--discouragement --hopelessness

--impurity --chaos

--extreme self-concern --use of drugs and rock music


--Joy is a deep happiness and contentment.

--When you have no joy or you have lose your joy, then know that
something is wrong in your life.
You need to discover what is wrong, or what is missing.

--To establish or re-establish joy in your life:--

--go within and reconnect to your Spiritual Self, your I Am


--be grateful for what you already have.

--be grateful for the gifts that God has given you,
Eg, --the gift of life and self-awareness;
--the gift of free will and the ability to make your own
--the gift of the Violet flame which you can use to transmute
your negative karma which creates pain and suffering in your life.

--Make sure there is no un-forgiveness in your heart towards


--Examine your thoughts, feelings and actions for any negativity.

If necessary use spiritual techniques such as the giving of
decrees or rosaries to consume that negativity.
Rosaries can be found at :--

--See every situation in your life as an opportunity to serve

others, to learn your lessons and to grow spiritually.

--Hope means that you desire something which usually has some
possibility of fulfilment.

--Through studying spiritual teachings you can reach an

understanding of what the spiritual path is all about and what to
expect along the way. This will then give rise to hope in you.
Easy to read and understand , universal spiritual teachings can
be found at ----

--Your greatest hope will then be to realize your potential to be

the Christ.

--You will also have the hope of__

--reunion with God;

--spiritual renewal;
--freedom from sin and the consequences of sin;
--the ability to deal successfully with your problems;
--enlightenment and understanding about the spiritual side of life.


--When you first start out on the spiritual path, you may need the
discipline of the outer path---where an outer teacher, spiritual
teaching or organization points you in a certain direction.

--The purpose of any religion or spiritual teaching should be to

show you how to make contact with the kingdom of God within
you and enable you to follow a systematic path which will
eventually enable you to be a spiritually self-sufficient person.
--An outer teacher, teaching or organization can only take you so
far on the spiritual path. At some point you must be willing to go
beyond the outer and be willing to receive teaching and direction
from within.
--You can do this by taking responsibility for your own spiritual
life and by developing your intuition.


--Your Base chakra is your spiritual purity centre.

--here you strive to keep your thoughts and motives pure so that
your behaviour and actions are in alignment with God’s laws (
especially the Law of Love; the Law of Free Will; the Law of
Cause and Effect. See notes on 1st. Ray)

--Purity is the state of being pure. In the spiritual sense it means

you need to embrace purity in all the areas of your being and life.
Eg.--in your body, mind and soul;
-- in your four lower bodies ie. Identity, Mental, Emotional and
--in your chakras, your spiritual centres;
--in your heart;
--in your motives and intentions

--To help you , you have your Christ Self, an inner spiritual
teacher whom you can call upon.

--You can also use spiritual techniques such as decrees and

rosaries, which will help you clear your being from all impurities.

--if you do not purify your being, you will be so laden with impurity
you will not be able to raise yourself up and make progress in
your spiritual life.


“ My base chakra is my spiritual purity centre. “

“ My base chakra is a chakra of Violet Fire !

My base chakra is the purity God desires ! “

“ My base chakra is balanced. “

“ I keep my thoughts and motives pure and therefore my

behaviour and actions are in alignment with God’s laws. “

“ I embrace purity in all areas of my life. “

“ My heart is pure and free from all imbalances and


“ My desires are pure and free from all that is less than my divine
plan and the immaculate concept for my life. “


--There must be order and balance in your life.

You need to be practical so that you life is well-ordered and

--You need to organize your environment so that it nurtures you

soul and four lower bodies.( Your identity, Mental. Emotional and
Physical bodies.)

--To create order out of chaos and confusion:--

--de-clutter your personal living space, including you possessions,

clothing, music etc.

--clear your identity body of all sense of separation from God, of

all sense of being a sinner and being unworthy of God’s love.
Accept your true spiritual identity ---your I Am Presence.

--clear your Mental body of all negative thoughts, of all limitations

and restrictions. Replace them with thoughts of your creative
powers, of your divine plan and the contribution you can make in
this world.
--clear your Emotional/Desire body of all negative emotions that
do not serve you, that keep you making negative karma and
prevents you from growing spiritually.

--purify your desires so that they serve you and enable you to
follow your divine plan.

--Use the rosaries found at

to help you clear your four lower beings.


“ All aspects of my life and being are now purified. “

“ My four lower bodies are purified. “

“ My heart is purified of all imbalances and imperfections. “

“ My motives and intentions are purified. “

“ My chakras are purified. “

Purity of Intention.

Consider :--

1) God’s intent for you and all humankind:--

--is for the Law of love to be obeyed;

--that Life and Living will prevail over the dead and dying;
--that the universe will always return to a state of balance
through the Law of Cause and Effect.

“ What a man sows, he shall surely reap. “

2) Other people’s intentions:--

--Recognize other people’s intentions.

--honour them if you can by realizing that they have free will the
same as you do.
--or, learn to live with them.

3) Your own intentions:--

--note what your intentions are.

--seek to purify your intentions by first checking that you have
taken into account God’s intent and the intentions of others.
--realize that only you can change your intentions. You have no
control over God’s intent or the intentions of others.
--In any situation where you feel that some adjustment needs to
be made or changed,--realize that you can always change
something about yourself.

Always weigh your intentions by the simple formula :--

--right reason--wisdom
--right motive--power
--right cause--love.

Right Action.

--Right action means that you use your creative powers to raise
up others instead of you separate lower self.
Your creative powers include the ability to think, feel, imagine,
speak and to direct your attention.

--Right action will always allow you to share your uniqueness and
your spiritual self with others and to share your truth.

--Right action always springs from unconditional love.

----Whatever you do for others, do not be attached to the outcome
of your actions. When you are attached to the outcome, when
you have expectations of how life should be or how other people
should react--all this will cause you to suffer and feel limited and


“ My actions are in harmony with God’s laws. “

“ My actions support all life. “

“ I act based on the pure love of expressing Who I Am , in service

to the All.”

“ My actions are guided by the highest vision from my Identity

Body, by my pure thoughts and harmonious emotions. “

“ My beliefs and actions are in alignment with the true teachings

of the Ascended Masters. “

“ Everything I do is in alignment with God’s purpose and the

design principles used by God. “

“ I act based on the pure joy of the action itself. “

“ I act in order to share my light and truth and in the act of

sharing, I am complete.”

“ The light of my I Am Presence illumines my actions. “

“ I control my actions by first controlling my reactions. “

“ I always do the right thing at the right time. “

“ I allow my light to shine and I witness to my truth, while being

non-attached to the fruits of my action. “

--The initiation of the Ascension enables a soul to permanently

move into the spiritual realm. Once the soul has gone through
this initiation, it has no need to return to Earth in a future

--To win the Ascension, a soul must meet both outer and inner

--The outer requirements are :--

--to give your gift to humankind or to a specific group pf people;

--to use your creative abilities to fulfil your goals that you came
here to do.
--to balance all misqualified energy/karma which you have
created in all your lifetimes here on Earth.
--to experience all the desires that you came here to experience.
--to release all attachments to the things of the world so that you
can become desire less and therefore there is nothing to hold
you here on Earth.
--to walk the path of personal Christhood whilst still living in the
dense energies of the material world.
For more details see----

--The inner requirements are :--

--you must choose to permanently leave Earth behind.

--you must be willing to give up your earthly life and experiences.
--you must be willing to give up your earthly identity in order to
win the higher sense of identity as a God-free Being who can
permanently move into the spiritual realm.
This is a choice that only you can make.
The 4th. Ray of God Purity can be mastered when it is also
balanced with the qualities of the other 6 rays--with the quality of
willpower, wisdom, love, vision, service, freedom.

This can be done by determining to use your free will and making
the decision to purify all aspects of your being and life.

Purify your four lower bodies so that they can become the best
possible instruments for the expression of your spiritual
individuality and the fulfilling of your divine plan here on Earth.

a) Purify your Identity Body :--

--of all false sense of identity.

( ie. A sense of just being a human being with limitations; or a
sense of being a sinner who needs a Saviour.)

--of all hatred against yourself for making mistakes.

--of all hatred against God for exposing your mistakes.

“ Beloved Christ Self, please take command over all aspects of

my life and consciousness. “

Purify your Mental Body :--

--of all illusions. ( eg. The illusion that you are separated from
God, your Source; the illusion that you need to compare and
judge yourself and others-----for we are all One. )
Learn to differentiate between the godly thoughts of your
Spiritual Self and the selfish thoughts of your human ego.

“ Beloved Christ Self, please take command of my mind and give

me clarity of thought. “

--Purify your Emotional Body :--

--from all imperfect feelings, such as , anger, hatred, fear, guilt,
blame, revenge.

--from all false desires of the human ego which can never be
satisfied. ( eg. The desire to control ; the desire to be superior to
others; to have more than others. )

Replace all false desires with the true desires of god which are
based on the Oneness of all Life.

--from all feelings that nothing is ever enough or good enough.

“ Beloved Christ Self, please take command of my emotional

body and desires and give me peace of mind.”

--Purify your Physical Body :--

--from all diseases, viruses, toxins and all addictions.

--from all attachments to the things of this world.

“ Beloved Christ Self, please take command over my physical

body and give me perfect health and abundant energy. “

To transmute imperfect thoughts, feelings and actions which

have manifested as ill health in your physical body, give Violet
Flame decrees and Mother Mary’s rosaries.

Purify your heart of all imbalances and imperfections, of all that

would block the free-flowing of God’s unconditional love through
you to other parts of life.
Eg. Selfishness, self-centredness, impure desires.

Purify your motives and intentions so that your actions and

behaviour are in alignment with God’s laws.
Eg. The Law of love; the Law of free Will; the Law of Cause and
You will instinctively do right actions when you follow the
principles of unity, love, life, respect, honesty, justice and
Let your motivation for serving life be :--
-- for the love of God and all other people, who are extensions of
--for raising up all life instead of just the lower, separate self.

Purify your chakras by mastering the energy of each of the 7

major chakras.

Remember at all times that all people have free will.

Just as you can choose to be pure, to purify your own thoughts,
feelings, intentions and actions, so you must give all others the
same freedom.

5th. Ray of Truth, Healing and Vision.

Life Lesson :-- “ To Sustain a Vision of Wholeness for All.”

The energy of the 5th. Ray :--

--allows you to access the power of inner vision to perceive the

reality of a situation.

--gives you the ability to focus, to put your attention upon what
you want to become, or to create.

--gives you the ability to exercise your spiritual vision by seeing

the Good (God ) in all, in friend and foe alike.

The energy of the 5th. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use
the energy of the Third- Eye Chakra correctly:--
--by focusing your inner vision on the Divine Plan so you achieve
clarity and creative insight.

--by honouring the creative genius and insights that come to

yourself and others.

--by recognizing that what you put your attention upon, you will

--by striving to recognize and overcome the mind-sets of the

world, and see as God sees.

--by letting the Third- Eye Chakra be the open door for the
expression of Divine love as God truth.

--by letting the Third-Eye Chakra radiate the healing Vision that
will awaken all life to the Living Truth.


“ My third-eye chakra is balanced. “

“ My third-eye chakra now radiates the healing vision that

awakens all life to the Living Truth. “

“ I use the power of my third-eye chakra correctly. “

“ My third- eye is a centre of Violet Fire !

My third-eye is the purity God desires ! “

“ I release all mis-qualified energy of my third-eye chakra into the

Violet transmuting Flame---NOW ! “

“ My third-eye chakra is the open door for the expression of

Divine Love as God Truth. “
Positive Qualities of the 5th. Ray.

--truth --music
--vision --science

--healing -- constancy

--wholeness --abundance

--clarity --holding the highest vision

for self and others.

Unbalanced Expressions of the 5th. Ray.

--falsehood --inconstancy

--lack of vision -- lack of clarity

--spiritual impoverishment -- mental criticism


--Everything in the material universe is made from one basic

substance == Light / energy.

--behind all imperfect appearances is the Ma-ter light, the Mother

This light can be envisioned as tiny particles or strings that
vibrate at very high speed.
When you are confronted with an imperfect appearance, whether
in your own life, your own physical body, or in your society or on
the planet as a whole---you can make a decision that you will not
accept it as real or permanent.
See beyond it and see the vibrating particles of the Ma-ter Light.
Use your attention to see beyond the outer appearance and see
the perfect vision of Christ instead of the outer appearance.
--Whatever you focus your attention upon, you will magnify
through the power of the light in you.
So, if you focus your attention on an imperfect appearance,
especially if you accept it as real and permanent, you will
actually reinforce that condition.

--You need to consciously take the power of your attention and

vision and use it to focus a more perfect vision, the most perfect
vision you can imagine and affirm that vision as real and


--At the beginning of the spiritual path, you need to be constant

because you have work to do---the transmutation of your karma.

--Over the years and your previous lifetimes , you have made
negative karma and created habits and momentums which keep
your energy tied up.

--To free your energy, so that you can pursue your purpose, your
divine plan, you need to transmute your past.
This can be done by daily giving the Violet Flame decrees or the
Aquarian Age Rosaries, in order to transmute your karma.

--Constancy does not always mean doing the same thing

As you transmute your karma and make progress on the spiritual
path, as you maintain your connection to your Spiritual Self, your
I Am Presence, you will know when it is time to move on to
another aspect of your divine plan.

--You will also eventually discover and be able to pursue your

sacred labour, which is the creative expression, the gift, that you
came to give to this world or to a specific group pf people.
You can bring your unique gift to the world by letting your light
shine, the light of your God Flame, shine through your identity,
thoughts, feelings and actions.


--Wholeness is a feeling of completeness.

There is a longing and yearning inside each of us which we try
and fill with people and the things of this world.

--But to attain wholeness, you need to realize that what you are
really seeking for is union or oneness with your own Spiritual
self, your I Am Presence.

--To find that wholeness, that completeness, you need to:--

--leave behind the mind-set that you need something from outside
yourself to become whole.

--rediscover your true, spiritual identity.

--recognize that you are part of the Whole, part of the Body of God
on Earth.

--bring your lower being into alignment with, into oneness with,
your Higher, Spiritual being.

--regain balance in all areas of your life.

--forgive all life unconditionally.

--be willing to grow spiritually and become More.

--fulfil your reason for being in this world--- give your gift, your
creative expression, to help raise all life.
--The key to your wholeness is energy.
When your life-stream has the correct connection to your Higher
self, your I Am Presence, it feels a constant flow of spiritual
energy streaming through all levels of its being directly from its I
Am Presence.
It is this flow of energy that gives the life -stream the sense of
being whole, of being one with the flow of the River of life, that is
God’s creation.

--You are whole when you realize that you get everything from
God via your direct inner oneness with God---because your true
self is an extension of the Creator’s being.
So you need nothing from any other person.

“ I Am Whole.
I Am complete.
I Am part of the Whole, a part of the Body of God on Earth. “


--To create abundance in your life, you need to :--

--cleanse and purify your mind and emotions from all negativity.

--replace the negative thoughts by using positive affirmations of

what you want to be, do and have.

--get rid of what you don’t want in your outer world to make room
for what you do want.
Eg. De-clutter your personal living space , belongings, clothes,

--impress your sub-conscious mind by using different techniques,

--use the spoken word, using only positive words and

--give Violet Flame decrees

--give rosaries

--use a personal journal to write down your desires and goals.

Read and revise regularly.

--create a collage of picture, photos, drawings or paintings to

represent your desires and goals. Place in a prominent place and
view daily.

--Abundance is more than money or possessions

It is knowing :-- your true identity as a spiritual being.
--that you create your own abundant life.
--you have creative powers eg. Your free will,
imagination, your attention.

--You use the flow of energy that daily flows into your being over
your crystal cord to create what you want.

--But there are things that can block your creative powers :-

--fear, anxiety.
--lack of faith.
--not holding your attention on what you want but focusing on
what you do not want.
-subconscious thoughts and the beliefs you hold about money
and wealth.
-- believing you are separated from your Source --from God.
--wrong conscious thinking.

--These blocks need to be removed before you can attract

abundance into your life.

--You can do this by daily giving Mother Mary’s Rosaries which

use affirmations to replace your negative thoughts and beliefs.

“ Abundance is my natural state. “

“ I accept the abundant life. “

“ I have the abundant life. “

“ I manifest God’s abundance in all aspects of my life. “

“ The abundant life is to constantly become MORE and thus

receive more abundance.”

“ I do not need anything outside my Spiritual Self

--my I Am Presence--in order to manifest the abundant life. “

“ I allow my I Am Presence to direct my life through my heart and

thus I have God’s abundant life. “


--Illness is an expression of a state of consciousness.

It can be caused by your karma.
It can be created by your lower mind, by the ego, to give the soul
an excuse for not taking command over its own destiny, for not
taking responsibility for itself.

--Before you can be healed of any condition in body, mind or soul,

you need to :--

--take ownership of that condition. Realize that you have created

it , either consciously or unconsciously. Or you have agreed to
take it upon yourself in order to learn a lesson or show others
that the condition can be overcome.

--be willing to let go of any limitation and the consciousness, the

thinking, behind that condition.
--Healing requires surrender. You need to surrender the outer
illness and also surrender something in your mind---the thoughts
and beliefs that have caused the condition.

--There are two levels of surrender.

First, you must let go of the beliefs that you hold about the
illness, eg. You may believe that the illness is necessary,
unavoidable or it is offering you something---the chance to be on
your own, to be waited on, to be pampered, to get attention.
--Second , you must realize that the illness itself, whether it is
physical or mental, is the result of the out picturing of the
thinking and beliefs held in the collective consciousness.

--In order to be healed, you have to separate yourself from that

collective thinking.
You may have taken on the illness in order to show others that it
is possible to rise above it.

--When you discover the consciousness behind the illness or

disease , you need to free yourself from it, by realizing this is not
the creation of the Real You. Your I Am Presence and your soul
did not create this consciousness. It was created by your ego,
and the egos of other human beings and the consciousness of
dark beings.

Foe instance---if a physical condition is the result of anger , you

can only be healed by recognizing that it is the result of your
anger. Then you need to find out what caused you to feel the
anger in the first place. Often anger is the result of an
expectation that you have that does not line up with the reality of
life or the higher will of your soul.
Realize that the anger is separate from yourself--it is a thing you
own and not a part of yourself. At the moment you own it, you
have the option of giving it to God. Then you have to be willing to
take control of your life, your thinking, etc, so that you deal with
anger once and for all.
--Why does healing not occur?
--your soul may not have fully learned the lesson that it needs to
learn from that condition.
--You may not have balanced the karma that you were supposed
to balance by carrying that condition. ( This karma could be
personal or world karma that you have agreed to hold for others.)

--For some people, an illness, mental or physical can be a labour

of love. They have taken upon themselves a part of the darkness
to give other people an opportunity of a lifetime, where they were
not so burdened in body and mind, so that they could discover
the spiritual side of life.

--So there is a possibility that the soul, at deeper levels, does not
want to be healed----or at least not yet.

--Unless you are attuned to this in your own mind, you cannot
truly know.
And thus, you may seek to attain healing through unlawful
eg.-- Someone else takes upon themselves the karma that you
have volunteered to carry.
--or you use some form of medicine as a shortcut to either
take away pain or take away the illness that was meant to be

--Therefore, you need to tune in to your own higher will and see
what God’s will is concerning your illness. And if you feel in your
heart that the healing should take place, then you can use
appropriate means.
--All healing is energy.
By invoking the light of God and by affirming the purity and
perfection of God, you can transform the imperfect energy, the
energy that has currently taken on an imperfect form.

--All healing is faith healing.

--The ability to know truth is already built inside your being-it is a
gift from God.

--By making an effort, you can develop this gift to its full

--This ability to know truth is commonly known as intuition.

--The purpose of any religion or spiritual teaching is to eventually

bring you to the point where you discover and connect to the
Spirit of truth that is inside you. This is so that you can become
spiritually self-sufficient and not have to rely on an outer source
for answers.

--The Kingdom of God, which is the Christ consciousness cannot

be known through an outer knowledge.
It can be known only by going deep within yourself and
connecting to the source of truth that is within you.
This is your Christ self, your I Am Presence, and the Ascended
Masters, who are the spiritual teachers for all mankind.

Harmony ---

--is a state of peaceful agreement and co-operation between

people or groups of people.

--is the way parts combine well together or into a whole.

The way to maintain harmony in your life :--

--is to think and focus only on things which are harmonious and
take it off all forms of in harmony.

--is to strive to maintain peace and harmony between you and all
other people.

--is to strive to maintain peace and harmony between the

different parts of your being ie, your 4 lower bodies, your
charkas, the 3 plumes of your three-fold flame and most
importantly, between your lower self and your Spiritual Self--your
I Am Presence.

You break the Law of Harmony whenever you misuse the energy
of any of your chakras.
Without harmony everything disintegrates, everything breaks

Being harmonious in every life situation is the first lesson in self-

When you have harmony in your thoughts, then your actions will
be controlled and harmonious.
When your emotions are in harmony you will then produce
harmony in your spoken words.

Therefore, to keep your peace and therefore your harmony in

your life :--
--stop senseless chatter;
--refrain from talk which degrades or humiliates yourself ot
--practice silence rather than speak harshly or discordantly.

Ultimately , you cannot have an inner or outer peace or have a

life of harmony if you have debts that you owe to any part of life.

So, own no man anything and pay back what you owe.
To deal with spiritual debts, made over many lifetimes, you can
use powerful spiritual techniques , such as decrees and rosaries.
Violet Flame decrees can be found at :--
Rosaries can be found at :--

The 5th. Ray corresponds to Right Livelihood and is one of the

points on the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
Right Livelihood :--
--is any occupation which supports yourself and your family;
--and helps you balance your karma through service to some form
of life;
--and is benefit and blesses all life.

It is not an occupation that involves trade in human beings, arms,

intoxicating drinks or poisons, such as drugs.

You came to Earth with talents that you are meant to share with
You came in order to give a unique gift to the world or to a
specific group pf people, even if it is just your immediate family
or circle of influence.
Until you discover and express your gift to the world, you will not
feel fulfilled.

Your passion is what you love to do . It is something you choose

to do, regardless of whether you get paid or not.

It can also be what you love to BE--

eg. Love, peace, harmony, joy, patience, etc.

To discover your passion, spend time in the silence, in quiet
contemplation , or write in a a journal using free flow writing
which allows your inner being to have a voice.

Master the 5th Ray through Balance.

You can master the 5th. Ray and balance it with willpower,
wisdom, love, purity, service and freedom-- the qualities of the
other 6 rays.

The quality of vision gives you the ability :--

--to see;
--to perceive the reality of a situation;

--to perceive future developments;

--to focus on a mental image produced by your imagination, to

put your attention upon what you want to become or to create;

--to see Good ( God ) in all.

To balance the quality of vision with the other 6 rays :--

-- see who you really are;

-- choose to BE who you really are ;

( eg. A spiritual being living at this current time in a physical
And a co-creator with God , with the ability to create your own
reality by using your free will, self-awareness and imagination.

-- see your potential to be the Christ on Earth;

--and choose to BE that Christ;

--see the higher vision of your divine plan, a clear purpose for
your own life and then follow it out of pure love for God and your
own Higher being.

--purify your motives, intentions, and desires so that your vision

is of the highest and best;

--see and hold the vision of the Golden Age;

-- see many people awaken and discover their spiritual selves

and the inner, spiritual path;
--see the Oneness of all life;

--realize that true service is not just about seeing to the outer
needs of people.
It is about giving them a higher, better vision for how they can
take control of their own lives and improve the quality of their
material and spiritual lives.
It is about raising up others and giving them the knowledge and
the tools which can empower them to become self-sufficient.
Thus, they can, in their turn, share what they have learnt, with

--realize your power to choose and to order your own actions.

With your free will, you are free to Be Who You Really Are.

--freedom must also be given to all others so that they vcan Be

Who They Really Are.
These thoughts can be more fully explored at :--

6th.Ray of God Peace, Ministration and Selfless


The 6th. Ray is the Ray of Accelerated Unity.

Life Lesson:-- “ Walk the Middle Way of Balance.”

The energy of the 6th. Ray :--

--enables you to minister and serve all life.

The energy of the 6th. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use
the energy of the Solar-Plexus Chakra correctly :--

--by mastering your desires.

--by aligning your desires with your goals in life.

--by setting aside your own desires when necessary to support
and serve others.

--by mastering your emotions.

--by engaging the power of your emotions as an instrument for


--by cultivating inner peace, brotherhood and selfless service.

--by striving to walk the Middle Way of Balance.

--by letting your solar-plexus chakra be the open door for the
expression of Divine love as God Peace.

--by letting the solar-plexus chakra radiate the Dynamic peace

that will consume all division.

Qualities of the 6th. Ray.

Positive Qualities

--peace --balance

--brotherhood --harmlessness

--selfless service --desireless-ness

--right desire --reunion with God.

Unbalanced Expressions of the 6th. Ray.

--anger --agitation

--fanaticism --aggression

--egoism --overindulgence

--fear --anxiety



--You become harmless when you:--

--let go of all desire for justice, revenge.

--you let go of trying to somehow make up for the wrong by

committing new wrongs.

--you stop fighting and resisting.

--you stop feeling victimized.

--Leave such things behind and love and surrender

unconditionally. Then the Holy Spirit can descend and change
the situation so that what seems to be the guaranteed outcome
will not come to pass.

--By refusing to play your part in the dualistic struggle, you might
inspire others to realize that there is an alternative, there is a
way beyond the struggle.

Reunion with God.

--The highest, safest and most expedient road leading to reunion

with God, is the Path of Initiation under one or more of the
Ascended Masters, wherein you invoke the Violet Flame
(through the giving of decrees and rosaries) to transmute your
past records . You also call on Archangel Michael as your
protector ( by giving his decrees and rosary.) ---for Violet Flame decrees.
For decrees and rosaries.


--Peace can only be obtained through your heart chakra, by going

to your heart daily and practicing being centred in your heart.

---There is only peace where there is love. And there is only love
where there is the Will of God.

--The only place you can have peace is inside your own being.

--Keys to peace:--

--forgiveness and tolerance.

--giving up all revenge.

--overcoming all warring in your own members.

--reconnecting to your own Higher Self, your I Am Presence.

--bringing your conscious awareness in contact with your soul so

that you can make sense of your life with your conscious mind.

--using your free will to make right choices.

--focusing on being Who You Really Are and letting other people
be who they are or who they are choosing to be at the moment.
--expressing your own unique individuality and being less
concerned about the beliefs and actions of others.

If you are at peace---then know that you are Being Who You Are.

If you are not at peace---then know that you are compromising

your true individuality and you will feel agitation in your solar-
plexus chakra.


“ I find peace in constant self-transcendence.”

“ I attain inner peace by purifying my heart. “

“ I know who I Am, therefore, I have inner peace. “

“ I claim my God peace. “”

“ I Am Peace ! Peace I Am ! “

“ My inner peace depends on nothing outside myself.

My inner peace depends on my inner contact with, my
centredness in, the God Flame of Peace. “

“ Inner peace is necessary in order to bring about outer peace on

Earth. “

“ I express God peace that is in alignment with the Will of God. “

Right Desire.

A true, right desire is based on oneness with the Source of life

and will make you feel whole, fulfilled and nurtured.

A right desire springs from :--

--the drive to be part of the self-transcendence of God.

--the drive to share God’s abundance.

--the drive to express your divine individuality.

--the drive too experience the beauty of God’s creation.

--the drive to become More of God.

--When you are pursuing a true, right desire you will not seek to
own or possess.
Instead, you will seek to give so that you can receive more from
God and thus be part of God’s River of Life that constantly brings
more abundance to this world.
This is how a true, right desire becomes a spiral that leads
upward to greater and greater fulfilment and a sense of being
perfectly nurtured.

--Examine all your desires and check whether they spring from
your sense of being separated for God and others, or whether it
springs from the drive to magnify, to raise the Whole because you
accept your Oneness with the Whole.

--Learn to accept and pursue only true, right desires.


“ I align my desires with my goals in life. “

“ I surrender all ego-based desires, ambitions and expectations. “

“ My desires and my free will choices are in alignment with my I

Am presence. “
“ I accept only, true, right desires. “

“ My desires are in alignment with the higher desires of my soul.”


--Service is an act of help or assistance that is given to someone

in need.

--Pursing your own spiritual growth will enable you to serve all
life in a better way.

--Giving service to others is an excellent way to transmute your

karma, especially if your service is given with a joyful heart and
no sign of resentment or obligation.

--You also need to understand that you have creative powers or

abilities which you can use to either raise up yourself or to raise
up others, raise up the Whole, of which you are a part.

--To give truly creative service you need to help others to realize
that there is More to life than the endless struggle that most
people experience.

Your creative powers are :--

--power of thought , of imagination.

--power of your spoken word ( to speak positively or negatively.)

--power of your attention and the ability to focus.

--power of free will that enables you to make choices.

--Once you realize and accept that you are the one responsible
for creating your own life, you can then teach others and show
them how to take command of their own lives. (teach them how
God’s laws work ---see notes on 1st. Ray.)
This is true service.

--True service is to serve the God who is in all.

You do this by:--

--serving others in your family, workplace, or community.

--raising up all life by supporting and encouraging others to learn

and grow spiritually.

--setting all life free by forgiving and loving others


--attaining inner peace through being non-attached to people and

the things of this world.

--using spiritual techniques to balance negative energy/karma.

Ie. Give affirmations visualizations, decrees and rosaries.

--By serving others you are releasing God’s light and love from
person to person.

--Reconnect and maintain your connection to your higher self,

your I Am Presence. Then you will know what to do each day.
You will naturally give the service that is needed in any given

--There is a higher service than giving an outer practice, such as

prayer, meditation, decrees or rosaries.

--The ultimate form of service you can give is total, inner peace.
This kind of peace only comes when your are completely non-
attached to other people and the things of this world.

--Becoming the Christ while here on Earth is the most important

service you can give to yourself, your loved ones , your planet
and to the Ascended Masters.


--You only have a certain amount of energy released to you each

day. Therefore, it is important that you do not waste it or allow it
to be tied up with your false desires.

--False desires arise when you feel separated from God and from
This causes you to try and fill the emptiness and loneliness with
the things of this world.

--A true desire will give you inner peace because it is based on
your sense of Oneness with God and with others.
Out of this sense of Oneness you will then be willing to freely
give of yourself to others.


--Brotherhood is the understanding that we all came for the same

Source--God. We are all One. So what we do to another we have
already done to ourselves.

--Strive to live with brotherly love with all you come into contact

--Do not concentrate on your differences, but celebrate your


The 6th. Ray corresponds to Right Effort,

Effort one of the points of the
Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
Right Effort always involves service to others , ministration to
life, caring for others.

When you are motivated by the care for others, your effort will
always be right.


A choice is an expression of your current state of consciousness.

It is an expression of how you see yourself, how you see the
world and how you see your relationship to the world.

Life is all about making choices.

Only you can make the decisions that will change your life.

You can never turn off the responsibility of making choices.

You are constantly choosing.

Life is the choice to Be--to BE MORE.

All choices have consequences.

You are either making free choices or you are allowing others to
choose for you.
Either way, YOU are the one who must live with the
consequences of those choices.

You can only influence the consequences if YOU are making your
own decisions.

Consequences that limit you are the result of choices you make
based on incomplete or incorrect knowledge.
Consequences that liberate you are the result of choices you
make based on full understanding.
Before you can make a truly free choice, you must make the
decision with your conscious mind.
You must base your decision on a complete understanding of the

With your free will, you must take back your ability to make truly,
free choices, to make conscious decisions.

By making choices and reaping the consequences of those

choices, you learn and grow .

Master the 6th. Ray and balance it with willpower, wisdom, love,
purity, vision and freedom, the qualities of the other 6 rays.

Use your free will, your willpower, your determination, to step up

to the next level of the spiritual path and leave behind the
focusing on yourself and move on to focusing on others.

Through the giving of service to other parts of life, you can

balance your negative karma and learn your spiritual lessons.
Eg.--by serving your family and those in your immediate circle of

--by serving those in your workplace.

--by serving those in your community.

Your service to others should always be more than just seeing to

the personal needs of others.
Ideally, it should also include a sharing of your knowledge , of
what you have learn about the spiritual side of life.
Eg. --about the ego and its games; about God’s laws and how the
universe works; about how to change and improve life.

It should also be about helping to raise up other people’s

consciousness/ awareness and to empower them so them can
take care of themselves.
Your motivation for serving others should be pure.
It should not be for the purpose of making you feel better or more
superior, or to make people like and accept you, or to fulfil any
personal need of your own.

A pure motive for serving others would be :--

--because you love God and other people , because you realize
and accept that we are all extensions of God---we are all One.

--and because you have compassion for others who are suffering
and you want to help them rise above their illusions and

Any service you render to another should not make them

dependent on you. It should enable them to take control over
their own life experiences and enable them to Be free to choose.

Realize that any imperfections that you observe in other people

do not have to be permanent.
They can change.
By giving people the knowledge and tools of self-empowerment,
you can serve them in the best possible way. --easy to read and understand

teachings on the universal spiritual path. --tools for journaling . ---Violet Flame decrees for transmuting

negative karma. --teachings and rosaries for self

transformation. --information on developing your

intuition. -teachings on your origins and how to deal
with aspects of your life.

You can also strive to see the good in all people and to focus on
their potential rather than their mistakes or imperfections.

7th. Ray of God Freedom.

Life Lesson:-- “To Thine Own Self Be True. “

Through the energy of the 7th. Ray your soul can gain freedom
through the ritual and alchemy of the Violet Flame.

The energy of the 7th. Ray can be mastered as you learn to

master the energy of the SEAT-OF-THE-SOUL CHAKRA correctly:--

--by using your energy wisely , to pursue your divine plan (see
notes further on) and your spiritual goals.

--by regularly and honestly appraising how much of your identity

you have invested in your ego or in your Real Self.

--by being able to tap into and freely express your creativity. (see
notes on 3rd. Ray.)

--by being able to free yourself from old habits by forgiving

yourself and others.

--by letting your soul chakra be the open door for the expression
of Divine Love as God Freedom.

--by letting your soul chakra radiate the All-accomplishing

creativity that will bring new solutions and set people free from
old problems.
--by learning how to be spiritually self-sufficient--to rely on your
own inner direction, based on your connection to the Kingdom of
God that is within you.

Positive Qualities of the 7th. Ray.

--freedom --alchemy

--mercy --intuition

--justice --prophecy

--transcendence --revelation

--transmutation --right mindfulness

--diplomacy --victory


Unbalanced Expressions of the 7th. Ray.

--lack of forgiveness --lack of justice

--lack of mercy --lack of tolerance

--lack of tact --cruelty

--disregard for others

Alchemy is the science of turning base metals into gold.
Spiritually, it symbolizes the desire to change or to turn human
beings into spiritual beings, into sons and daughters of God---to
change the human consciousness into the Christ consciousness.

Principles of Alchemy are :--

--to surrender all worldly expectations.

--to see the Oneness of God behind all outer manifestations.

--to realize that all manifestations in the material world are made
from the one substance of God---the Light/Energy of the Mother

--to realize that the Light/Energy which has been used by

humankind to create imperfect images and manifestations, can
be changed into something perfect.

This can be done by:--

--raising yourself up, by transcending , going beyond, the


--by using spiritual techniques to transform imperfect energy

back to God’s pure energy.

Eg. Through the giving of Violet Flame decrees.

Or by giving Aquarian Age rosaries.

To change your personal life, you must first change your sense of
You must release all sense of being a sinner, or a victim , or a
You must accept your true identity.
In reality , you are a Spiritual being, a son / daughter of God,
a co-creator with God.
To clear your Identity Body from an imperfect sense of identity
and replace it with a sense of your true Self, give the “ Rosary of
God’s Will” found at----

Once your sense of identity begins to change , so will your

thoughts change. Your thoughts will become purer.
You will leave off thinking only of limitation and what you cannot
do. You will realize that imperfections are not permanent and you
will accept that will God all things are possible.

To purify your Mental Body of all imperfect thoughts give “Rosary

of All-Pervading Wisdom” found at--

By following this course of action , you will find that your

approach to life will also change. You will find that you now
focus on the possibilities of life instead of limitations and

As your thought change, your emotions will stabilize. You will

find that you are not so easily influenced by negative emotions ,
such as fear, blame and anger.
Instead, you will find that spiritual energy will now be able to
flow naturally through your Emotional body enabling you to feel
love and joy which is the true driving force behind all life.

To purify your Emotional Body, give “ Rosary of Miracle

Nurturance “ , found at ---
As you purify your identity Body, your Mental Body, and your
Emotional Body , you will find that your outer actions will also
Eventually , this will cause your outer circumstances to change ,
because of the law of Cause and Effect.
“ What a man sows, he shall surely reap. “
This is true Alchemy.

Transmutation (of Karma.)


Karma is a very exact law of life. It is the universal law of Cause

and Effect that applies to everyone. ( see notes on 1st. Ray )

Karma is all the accumulated energy that you have sent out,
whether consciously or unconsciously, in all your lifetimes.

The energy/ Light which God gives you freely each day of your
life, is affected by your own free will choices which qualify the
energy/light either in a positive or negative way.

Every choice you have made , make and will make ,will have a
certain affect which you will be able to see , because it will
return to you , either as good (positive) or bad (negative) karma.

The first 51% of your negative karma you have made in your
interactions with other people, and possibly with animals, or
larger groups of people , such as an organization or even a
The karma you have made with others will return to you
according to certain cycles. The karma from the past must cycle
through the 4 levels of the material universe (Identity, Mental,
Emotional ,Physical ) before it manifests as a physical event.

Therefore, you can avoid experiencing physical consequences if

you neutralize the karma at the identity, mental or emotional
(use Violet Flame decrees or Aquarian Age Rosaries )

The remaining 49% of your karma is what you have made with
yourself by :--
--putting yourself down.
--limiting yourself.

--not being all that you can be.

--not fulfilling the highest potential for your divine plan.

Karma is meant to be your teacher , to teach you the right way to

use God’s energy.

You can balance or transmute your karma by:--

--enduring it.

--serving others, serving all life.

--using Violet flame decrees or rosaries.

The 7th. Ray corresponds to Right Mindfulness, one of the points

of the Eight-fold Path of the Buddha.

Being mindful means that you are aware of something, that you
take something into account.

You can know that you are being mindful in a right, spiritual
sense, when :--

--your motive and your goal is freedom for yourself and others.

--you have united your free will to God’s will.

--you give to others their freedom under God’s law.

Depriving others of their freedom---their freedom to be, to create

and to do what they want is going against the Law of free Will.
God has given each one the gift of free will and no one on Earth
or in heaven can violate or go against the law without incurring
negative consequences.
When you seek to give others their freedom you must be willing
to give all desire to control and manipulate them.


Life on Earth is ruled by spiritual laws as well as physical laws.

Once you understand these laws and apply them to your life, you
will realize that there is no injustice anywhere in this world.
(See notes on 1st. Ray for details of the Law of Love; the Law of
Free Will; the Law of Cause and Effect.)

Each one has been given free will. You are free to create your
own life experience using the power of your thoughts, words,
feelings and actions. But you will have to experience the
consequences of whatever you have chosen to create.

No one will get away with anything that they do, even though to
outer appearances , it may seem that they do.
According to the cycles of returning karma, each one will reap
what they have sown.


Your mind has a natural ability known as intuition which is your

ability to know when something is valid even though you may
have nothing solid to go on.
You just know that you know.

The aspect of your mind that enables you to accept ideas

without proof is the Christ mind.
Intuition is process whereby your higher mind communicates
insights and understandings to your conscious mind.
To use your intuition successfully , you need to apply three

--Your outer mind must first be saturated with the idea you are
trying to understand. You do this by studying the idea, by filling
your mind with the question until there is no room for the answer
to enter.

--When you feel you have reached saturation point, you must then
let go of the idea completely. Allow your outer mind to become
The answer is already in your higher mind and by becoming still ,
you allow the answer to surface in your conscious awareness.
Relax your mind by going for a walk, riding a bile, going for a
swim or by doing something practical.

--keep a part of your attention focused within and listen for the

Sometimes the answer will come at a later time, while you are
not consciously thinking about it, or it may come through your
The answer can also come to you when you come across a book
that contains the information you need. Or you may meet
someone who can give you the answer you seek. You just need
to be alert .


All the time you are holding unforgiveness , revenge, hatred,

anger or resentment in your heart---you will never be free.

Being judgmental, critical or condemning of others may make

you feel better or more superior than others but it will create
negative karma for yourself which will cause you pain, suffering,
limitations and restrictions.

But being merciful, showing mercy to others means that you set
life free from judgment. And in so doing, you set yourself free---for
what you do to others, you do to yourself---for all life is One.

Extending mercy to others will in turn mean that you will receive
mercy when you need it.

You can cultivate a merciful heart by :--

--forgiving others, no matter what they say or do.

--seeing that all life is One .

When you injure another part of life , you are in fact hurting

--bearing insults patiently.

--showing compassion towards others. (they may not understand

how the laws of God work.)

--not judging others.

--focusing on the good qualities and deeds of others instead of

their faults.

--helping others to improve and grow spiritually.


--Forgiveness means “ to set free “.

The forgiveness of sins means that you are not punished for your
wrong doings, but you are given another opportunity to “ go and
sin no more.”
You are given another chance to learn and grow spiritually.

But you will need to rise above the consciousness , the

awareness, that caused you to sin in the first place.

And you will also have to balance the energy that you have
You must balance the wrongs you have done to all parts of life in
all your lifetimes.

You need to :--

--receive God’s forgiveness.

--be strong enough so that you do not keep on repeating the

same mistakes.

--be loving towards others so that you offer them the same
forgiveness that you expect and accept from God.


The purpose for planet Earth is to help your soul achieve its
permanent freedom as a spiritual being.

To achieve this freedom you must learn certain lessons which

cannot be learned by the intellect alone.

Your lessons must be fully internalised.

Often you need to go through a difficult experience so that

through that experience you can learn the lessons that you came
here to learn and fully integrate them into your being.

Once you have learned the specific lesson presented to you in a

particular situation, there will no longer be any need for you to
face it again.
So, realize that life is an opportunity for you to learn your lessons
and fully integrate them into your being.
There are two aspects of freedom:--

--Political and economic freedom which means that people are

not oppressed and are free to pursue the spiritual path.

--Spiritual freedom which is a freedom of the mind so that you

can know truth and reality.

Freedom of the mind comes when you attain Christ discernment

and attain the Christ mind .
This allows you to discern the difference between what is real
and what is not real and what is of God and what is not of God.

Keys to freedom :--

--realize that you are not a separate being who exists


--realize that you are connected to your true Self--your I Am

Presence, and all power , all energy, comes into your lower
being here on Earth, from this Spiritual Self.

--realize that you can find true freedom only in the Kingdom of
God within you.

--follow your inner direction.

--give up all human expectations and be non-attached to people,

the things of this world, and to the reactions of others.

--totally and unconditionally forgive all life.

--know the truth that will set you free.

You cannot have freedom of choice until you become aware of
why you make certain decisions and what the consequences of
those decisions will be.

--realize that the physical universe is the cosmic mirror that

sends back to you whatever you send out.

--know the laws of God and how they work.

Eg. See notes on 1st. Ray (Law of Love; Law of Free Will; Law of
Cause and Effect.)

Free your mind from the illusion of being separated , of thinking

that you can gain something for the ego that will satisfy ( the ego
is never satisfied .)
Then you can begin to project into the cosmic mirror the images
and ideas that will raise up others and not just your separate
self---so that you will be doing something of benefit to

As you seek to raise the All-- the cosmic mirror will reflect back
to you exactly what you are now sending out.
This may take some time because all karma, both bad and good
returns according to certain cycles.

Be at peace and express Who You Really Are so that everything

you do in the material universe is an expression of your Spiritual

True freedom can be found only in oneness with your Higher

being and oneness with your fellow beings and oneness with your


Self-sufficiency can only grow in an atmosphere of freedom.

The entire purpose of the world of form is the growth in self-

awareness which leads to the self-sufficiency of God-awareness.

You become self-sufficient by following the inner, spiritual path;

by becoming whole; by realizing you are a complete being who
needs nothing from outside your Self --your I Am Presence.
When you accept that you are whole and you know that you need
nothing from other people, you will be able to give to others
without expecting a certain reaction in return.
You will therefore give selflessly.

By attaining this wholeness, you break the cycle of action and



Prophecy is not given in order to create fear or to make you feel

that God is punishing you.

Human beings need to realize that they have created their own
situation, both individually and collectively.

If you misuse God’s energy, you will produce certain


You will reap what you have sown.

Therefore, prophecy is a warning---that if you continue in your

present misuse of God’s energy , you will experience those

The true goal of prophecy is:--

--to make people realize they have created a spiral that is self-
destructive. And unless they are prepared to change their way of
thinking and their outer actions, that destructive spiral may lead
to their own destruction.

--to make people accept their folly and be willing to turn their
lives around and raise up their thinking, their consciousness.

If people heed the warning, then a prophecy can be partially or

completely mitigated.

Prophecy is therefore not a certainty , only a probability.

The only way to know whether a specific prophecy applies to you

and what kind of action you might take because of the prophecy -
-is though personal revelation.

Right Action.

How do you know if your actions are right--are balanced ?

Right Action :--

--will focus on the action itself and not be concerned about the
results or reaction to the action.

--will be based on pure love ---of expressing Who You Are --in
service to the All.

--is sharing your light and witnessing to your truth, while being
non-attached to the outcome of your actions.

--is based on Christ discernment.

Only when you know God’s laws and the consequences of going
against them, can you make a free choice between following or
disobeying the law.

--will always raise yourself and all life and is a life-enhancing use
of your creative powers.

--will always be in harmony with God’s laws , so you have an

absolute standard for defining constructive and non-constructive

--springs from unconditional love.

You can only control your actions by first controlling your re-

In all your actions , always focus on being rather than on the

actual doing.
Who you are as you are doing is more important than the action

Your Divine Plan.

Your divine plan is a blueprint for this lifetime that you made
before you were born.
You made this plan with the help of your Christ self--your higher
being --and your spiritual teachers.

You made this plan while having a broader perspective than you
have right now.
Now you see everything from inside the narrow mental box of
your current lifetime.

Your divine plan involves:--

--discovering your true God-given identity.

--expressing that identity in this world.

--building upon this foundation by deciding who you are and what
you want to be. This must come from within.

--making and sustaining a direct, conscious contact with your

Christ self, which begins with increased intuition.

--learning your lessons and growing spiritually.

--sharing your truth.

--balancing your karma.

--sharing your light, so that others can see that it is possible for
everyone to rise higher in consciousness.

--being willing to serve as an instrument for the awakening of

others to the spiritual path.

--bringing forth your unique gift to the world or to a specific group

pf people.

--experiencing certain aspects of life on Earth.

--bringing balance , meaning oneness of purpose--between the

higher and lower parts of your being.

--freeing yourself from your ego and the forces of this world.

Your divine plan may include your wanting to walk the path of
personal Christhood in order to demonstrate it for others.

Everything in your life revolves around your free will, so your

divine plan is not made in order to tell you what to do.
It is only by making your own decisions that you truly grow. The
entire purpose of your divine plan is to get you into situations
that will help you make the best possible choices.
You need to make choices that empower you , that help you
overcome all sense of limitation, so that you are free to express
your infinite potential in this finite world.

You can easily learn to recognize when you are in a situation that
does not allow you to follow your divine plan. You will know
because you will sense tension and attachment.

In the beginning of your spiritual walk, you will only see parts of
your divine plan. But as you follow your intuition you will prove
yourself worthy to grasp more and more details. Eventually you
will have a very clear picture of your personal plan.

Some details of your plan are not forever set in stone.

They could not all be planned in advance and you will need to
decide as your plan unfolds.
This is because of the free will---your own free will and the free
will of others.

You will not be able to fulfil your divine plan until you have
resolved your own psychology.
Until you have healed all parts of your being, from all past
wounds and hurts and you are able to respond to all situations
with love , you will not be able to let your light shine. And the
ultimate aspect of your divine plan is that you are to Be the sun
in this material world and let your light shine here.


“I can fulfil all aspects of my divine plan.”

“ Every aspect of my life is now in perfect alignment with my

divine plan. “

“The positive aspect of my divine plan is to bring my unique gift

to this world. “

“ The negative aspect of my divine plan is to balance my karma.”

Master the 7th Ray. Through balance.

You can master the 7th. Ray by balancing it with the qualities of
the other 6 rays---willpower, wisdom, love, purity, vision, and

Use your free will , your willpower and determination to follow

the inner, spiritual path which will lead you to become spiritually
Easy to read explanation of the inner, spiritual path can be found

Your free will gives you the ability to make choices.

So you do not have to follow a spiritual path or religion because
you were born into it or because you parents do.
You can take back your responsibility for your own life and you
can choose.

Use your intuition and when you study a spiritual teaching or

become involved with a spiritual organization, see if what you
see and hear, resonates with your own inner being.

Be open-minded. Keep your heart and mind open and only accept
something if it resonates with your own inner self.

Once you have found a spiritual path to follow, then do so--not

out of fear--but out of love --love for God and your own Spiritual
Self--your I Am Presence.

Realize that freedom does not mean that you are free to do
exactly what you want without regard to the consequences.

The Law of Cause and Effect states that you will reap what you
have sown.
The physical universe has been designed to act as a giant mirror
which will reflect back to you whatever you send out through
your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
This is so that you can see the connection between the causes
(ie. Your thoughts, feelings, words and actions ) and the effects--
the circumstances and situations you have created in the
physical world.
And if you do not like what you have created thus far, you can
change them by changing the causes --your thoughts, feelings,
words and actions.

The teachings expressed in this document have been taken from

the teachings found at:--

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