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Lesson 9 - The Spiritual Self

Activity IX

Watch the movie entitled “PK (Aamir Khan)” an Indian film

and write you reflection about the movie on your Journal


The movie PK is an Indian (Bollywood) satirical comedic-drama and somehow sci-fi film. It’s
about a humanoid alien “PK” (Aamir Khan) brought to Earth on a specific mission. He
possessed a weird but powerful remote that would bring him back to his home planet once the
mission is fulfilled. Thus, at the first part of the film a random Indian robs it from him; he
eventually tries his best to get it back to communicate with his fellow aliens and summon his
spaceship. PK got involved with different religions and worshiped different kinds of God to
summon his remote control back. Eventually he met a woman named Jaggu who he fell in love
with in the latter part, she helped PK to disclose the character of Swamji who’s trying to control
and fool everyone using PK’s remote.

The film displayed great acting in the Indian cinematic industry. The whole characters
portrayed fit the descriptive manner, Aamir Khan who plays PK portrayed with expressions that
are very comical which brought me laughter even if there are language barriers. But as the film
goes I deeply understand how they portrayed the whole story. The impact of portrayal gives us
the meaning of reality, it shows how weak and/or cruel we humans are when it comes to our
belief. It shows a lot of tunnel vision in the religious system. PK was portrayed as a logical
person, this film shows the hypocrisy that is in the system of our society.

With the reality of our world, we need to be like PK. He doesn't focus much on one
perspective, as I noticed from the latter part of the movie PK shows the manner of a logical
character. He knows his purpose as a being, to take his remote back, serve his purpose and
reunite with his home planet. Even if he faced many challenges throughout the film, he
gradually served his purpose as being composed and trying to be resourceful. As humans we
need to do the same, in the reality of life there will always be challenges we need to face and in
order to survive we shouldn’t make it as our downfall. Instead, breathe and use our own
resources, set proper goals, most especially take responsibility into our own hands.

Same as PK we’re brought to this world, unconscious and not knowing anything in the society
or the reality. As we grow older we become conscious of the things we see around us and begin
to ask ourselves, to see what it has to do in the purpose of our lives. There are many lessons
that we can learn from the film and I’m fond of films that have a message, not just trying to be
best. For instance, don’t trust people too much just because you have the same abilities or
wants in life even if it sounds pleasing it doesn’t mean that they will be good at you till the end.
And we are supposed to understand this because changes in life could have the impact of
getting yourself out even if it may cause a change with your own relationship to people around
you. Not all religious persons are real servants of God, some try to fool you just to gain their
own self interest. We can’t force people to believe what we know because we have different
perspectives. Just try to support people as long as what they do isn’t bad, support them, Don’t
follow God to seek personal attention, we supposed to follow God with all of our heart and with
faith it’s not only what we pray for but we need to believe that it will happen because with God
he has a lot of perfect timings and that we fulfill our prayers, serves as a purpose of our lives.

Assessment IX

Do you Have Your Umbrella?

Many people arrived at the church to pray for the needed rain.

The pastor greeted most of them as they filed in. As he walked to the front of the church to

officially begin the meeting, he noticed most people were chatting across the aisles and

with friends. When he reached the front, his thoughts were on quieting the attendees and

the meeting. His eyes scanned the crowd as he asked for quiet. He noticed an

girl sitting quietly in the front row. Her face was beaming with excitement. Next to her, open

ready for use, was a very colorful and extremely large umbrella, much bigger than her in
fact. The

little girl's beauty and innocence made the pastor smile as he realized how much faith she

possessed. No one else in the congregation had brought an umbrella. All came to pray for

But the little girl had come expecting God.

Journal Writing:

1. What are your learnings and realization from the discussion?

With this excerpt, I learned and realized that when we pray, our prayers will come at a
definite time as long as we have faith it’ll also come the right way. And we need to be
prepared for it all the time. It is present that we prayed for many things and/or situations to
fulfill our hopes in life. It’s normal to experience difficulties because God is preparing us for
the latter part if our hopes are really for us. Some people were unprepared. That's why
God’s waiting for the perfect time for them to believe that they can. This excerpt recalls what
my late Grandfather taught me; That God answers in three ways, “Yes” and he’ll give you
what you’ve prayed for, “No” and he’ll give you the right one and “Wait” as prepares you for
the right one . It’s not always asking for the answer, what God gave us is the ability to take
action and we need to do the same, taking action with guidance of God.

2. What is the lesson of the story “Do you have your Umbrella?” and how are you going to

apply it in your daily life?

From my perspective, the lesson of the excerpt is all about Faith. Faith is a belief that
can be embraced by anyone, whether it may be religious or not. The excerpt reiterated the
purpose of faith in our prayers and hope, emphasizing that it’s not only about what we claim
to believe but rather what we actually believe that’ll happen. The essence of hope and light
in the darkest hours of our lives. A story I remembered serves as a lesson for me. There are
two people praying to God for a birthday cake. God gave them both the ingredients of a
Cake with an oven, the other cries for God but the other person thanks God as it is what he
really needs. Sometimes our prayers are fulfilled we just don't get it, the answers may be
around we just didn’t make a move or an action. And we are supposed to get it. God doesn’t
really give you what you want, the tools will be given through him.

To apply it in our daily lives, we need to know the power of it that we need to embrace
the faith and trust God or own belief. Challenges and Struggles are part of our lives. We
need to accept the reality that we can’t overcome it but rather to adapt with it. It is common
to a college student to be afraid of things they haven’t faced yet, the way we overthink it.
For me, it’s always the faith needed to be the priority because we’re too afraid to fail but
being afraid for me is the failure. It’s us that need to move to take action or to take fault with
it. It's not always about believing in it but rather moving to make things right.

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