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Individual assignment.

Karen Peterson and the Gourmet Wafer Biscuits

Karen Peterson is a good employee who always effort for her working. She is work for well-
knows department store chain in California.

However, Karen is getting a serious problem that has effect strongly on the department. The
shipment of thin little wafer biscuits from England that had a crème filling flavored in foil-
covered boxes. But manager of department still decide sell all those products for poor people.
This is a point that against the principle business.

The first ethic is companies or businessman must to have fidgety on consumers and investors.
The second is raising sense of responsibilities and the interest of employee. The next is polishing
real nature trade name. These are three simple principles for all companies and businessman. So,
in this case, the department do not care about profit of customer, they still want to sell all those
products. Although, this solution help the department reduce losing capital.

This problem makes the image of the department become worst and losing capital. Besides that,
Karen might lose her jobs. It is a hard problem for her. If she does not do it, she must to dismiss
and compensate $88.000 for the department. Moreover, the customer will not want to buy the
product of the department because they think the department does not do true businesss.

If she does not want to lose her job, she has to choose sell those products for Ghetto. This is an
unaccepted action which against the first and the third basic business ethic. If she still want to
sell, her professional conscience will not feel ashamed, will her? I think she will never forget this
mistake and it stay on her forever.

If I was Karen, I would stop work for the department. Although, I effort so much for this job, but
I can not infringe the business ethic. I do not afraid starting from beginning and compensate for
damage, I just afraid my conscience. All people have to pass unsuccessful; we will try to pass
those problems by true action especially on business activity.

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