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Adil,Rafiq ,Salim and Walid go to the meeting about

.the competition. Later ,they meet and talk

Rafiq : We can make a documentary for the

.competition . I love filming things
. Adil : Yeah , and we can speak on the documentary
. Salim : Yeah , that’s a good idea
. Rafiq : What a bout the story ? I hate writing
. Salim : Me , too ! I can’t stand it
. Walid : I can do that . I don’t mind writing
.Adil : We can write hundreds of things a bout Riyadh
Rafiq : It’s not just a bout Saudi Arabia, you know
. .Anyway, the problem is the skills parts of the competition
. Walid : Yeah, I don’t like making things very much
Adil : Well, I like making things. We can make a
. gadget. It’s easy
.Walid : Er, I’m not really into sciences and I.T
.Rafiq : Well, we can think a bout that later
.? Salim : So , where’s your video camera, Rafiq
.? Rafiq : What camera
.……Salim : For the documentary
.… Rafiq : Oh ! It’s my dad’s camera

________Make : Rafiq
a documentary
Write: aWalid
________ story
Make a gadget
__________ : Adil
Take photo
_________ : Salim
/ take video
Complete the key expressions with
.These words from the dialogue

Like - love – mind - hate – stand

Key Expressions : Preferences

. filming. Like making things _______1
. don’t __________ writing 2
don’t __________ making things 3 I
. Can’t __________ it 4

. writing ______________ 5
Listen to the conversation on the mobile phone
shop. Complete the information
: Custom service department

Mobile phone model: TX 909

Number : 1 /_6 _9 _4_406 298
_ _ PIN 2/4433
_____________ Customer’s name : 3/ Ali
_________________ 188 /Address : 4
___________/First building
Rawdah street 5
_______________ 02079397246
/Home phone : 6
__________________ Date of birth : 7
1992 / 8 / /31
. Listen closely complete each gap with one word

want Do_______ you _____ :1you r

? ___________old number
.This ____ is _______you r new PIN number :2
. I ______
need ________
you r personal details :3
Okay, ________you r name and :4
? __________address
you r
?What’s ______
you r date _________ birth-5
Home Work

: Write 5 sentences about you use

love _ hate_ stand _ like _don’t mind

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