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Kingdom Fungi

•Why are Fungi NOT plants or animals?

•Much of life cycle is__________________!
•____________________________except for yeast
•Cell walls of_________________– structural carbohydrate
•Must_______________________NOT ingest food
–Digestion actually happens outside the body!
–Can be__________________________– ringworm, athlete’s foot

•All Fungi except for yeast are made of Hyphae
•Each Hypha is________, can have 1 or 2 nuclei; free to move or not
•Body of Fungi is called_________________– many hyphae tangled together
•Fruiting Body – _________________________of underground mycelium
Fairy Ring – Fruiting body only!

Reproduce both _____________ and ____________________
•Asexual - 2 ways
–______________________________off; forms a new organism
–Produce____________________– reproductive cell made by mitosis
•Made in the_______________________________
•Sporangia are found at tips of specialized hyphae
•Spores are found everywhere!
•Chance of spore germinating is_______________________________!
•Needs warm, moist environment
•Sexual Reproduction
•2 different mating types: _______and ________
•Hyphae of_____________________mating types meet:
–Each Hypha forms a ___________________________
•Structure that makes gametes ____________________
•2 haploid ___________________– make_________________
•Meiosis takes place to make __________________________
Classify by___________and_________________methods

•1. Phylum______________________ – Common___________
–Ex: Bread Mold
•2. Phylum______________________– ________Fungi
–Cup Fungi, Yeasts
•3. Phylum______________________– _________Fungi
•4. Phylum_____________________– ______________Fungi
–“Catch all”; Ex: Penicillium
1. Phylum Zygomycota
Life Cycle
•Sexual and Asexual life stages
•__________________________– thick, resistant spore
–Made during sexual reproduction (how?)
•Zygote_______________________(right conditions)
•Sporangium reproduce Asexually
–Release new________________________into the air

2. Phylum Ascomycota
Sac Fungi
•Named for the _______________________
–Reproductive structure that contains__________
•Visible and microscopic
•Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
•__________________– tiny____________; name means “dust”
–formed at tips of specialized Hyphae called Conidiophore
–In suitable conditions form new haploid orgs
3. Phylum Basidiomycota
Club Fungi
•Reproductive Structure looks like a_______________
–Edible, Medicinal, Poisonous
•Very complex life cycle
•_____________________grow very large and survive a long time
–Largest organism in the world is a club fungi
•Fruiting bodies are the_________________mushrooms
•Produced by vast underground networks of mycelium (_______________) when ready to
•______________– part on mushroom which contain__________________
•Basidia have 2 nuclei fuse to make 2N zygote cell
•Zygote undergoes meiosis making_________________which are scattered
•Mating types (+) and (-) can fuse sexually to make secondary mycelium network

4. Phylum Deuteromycota
Imperfect Fungi
•Extremely varied Phylum
•Grab Bag – whatever does not fit in others
•____________________have observed Sexual Life Cycle
•Reproduce Asexually by Conidia spores
–Like Ascomycetes
•Ex: ______________________________________
–Grows on fruit
–Source of antibiotic penicillin
Fungi are_____________________________________
•_____________________– fungi that obtain food by breaking down dead and decaying
–Can be decomposers – good for___________________________
–Need this to maintain life!
–Can be “predators”
•Some fungi_________________and decompose worms which feed on them
•Symbiotic Relationships
–_______________________: symbiosis btwn _____________and
photosynthetic_____________________ or bacteria
•Photosyn. Org – provides the food (sugar)
•Fungus provides nutrients and minerals

–_____________________________ : symbiosis of a plant and fungi
•Fungus provides plant with water, minerals
•Plant Provides fungus with photosynthetic food
•Disease: Some Fungi are _________________________
–Plant diseases – “Rusts”, Root Rot
•___________________, Yeast infections,____________________

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