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- Facebook and other social networking websites, have changed many facets of the
internet and how we communicate. For some people Facebook has become like
breathing. I am not talking about thirteen year old girls giggling as they text their
friends, I am talking about grown adults, waking up in the morning and the first thing
they do is check their Facebook.

- Social networking sites are so addicting, they cause people to stay online for many
hours. This causes a lack of exercising and laziness for people, especially for teens.

- (education distraction) With more and more social networking sites being created,
children are using them more. When children get home one of the first things they do is
log into their "space" or profile and begin chatting. This is effecting their school work,
because they aren't spending enough time or giving their all. Along with not spending
enough time on work, students are spending time at night online and not sleeping.
Without the sleep required by their body, they have a harder time paying attention in
class or do not complete work.

- According to cbs news the average time a teen spends on the internet every day is
roughtly 3 hours. This translates into over 6 hours of time spent on the computer. In
fact, the most amount of time young people spend on the internet is on social
networking sites. As said by Top-20 Websites: Where DO we spend our time online?
MySpace is the most winner for people spending the most time on it. A whopping 11.9%
(it blew sites like youtube and wikipedia out of the water since both they only had a
combined 1% of time spent on the internet even though youths spend a lot of time on
each either watching videos posted by others or reading the various articles on
wikipedia), this means that over one tenth of the time spent on the internet is spent on
just one individual social networking site. This does not take into consideration how
much time is spent on other social networking sites such as facebook. So when you take
this into consideration it and then apply it to the fact that the average teen spends 3
hours on the internet it becomes clear that social networking sites are drawing our
youth away from nature and drawing them towards these sites. Therefore, causing
directly causing nature deficit disorder.

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