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Yeison Rios Herrera

Cordial Saludo Aprendices,
Deben observar el video y contestar las preguntas
al respecto.
Fecha límite de entrega: 30 de Octubre

Are you my mother?

1) Where did the mother bird sat?
She is go out getting some food for the baby bird
2) Why the mother bird went out and looks for food
for her baby bird?
Because the baby bird is recently born and he
needs beign fed

3) What did the baby bird ask when he was just

Where is my mother?
4)Could the baby bird fly or walk?
He could walk
5) Who was the first animal that the baby bird ask if
he was his mother, and what did he say?
The first animal was the cat and he doesn’t say
6) What did the hen say to baby bird?
No said the hen
7) What animals weren’t happy with the baby bird
confusion, and why?
the dog and cow because obviously then are not the
bird’s mother

8) Did the baby bird found his mother, and how?

Yes he can found his mother just return to the

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