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Minutes of Media EIP Meeting 20th October 2010

Present: M McTurk, F Hartley, Matt Petch, Tim Holloway, Sharon Sanoya

Item 1:
Colleagues introduced themselves: a variety of experience and backgrounds was evident.
Terms of reference for the group were established. It was agreed that it would be
productive to meet once a term. MMK suggested we should rotate the venue: Sharon has
very kindly offered to host the next meeting at Cranford. This will be some time in mid-
February. A date will be issued shortly.

Item 2:
It was established that a variety of courses are taught by those colleague attending the
meeting. Some colleagues will be able to directly exchange materials as they teach the
same course.

Tim kindly agreed to establish a blog for exchange of resources throughout the network.

Item 4:
There was an animated discussion about the borough media bus. We may use it as a
venue for a future meeting.

Item 5:
The meeting closed with a brief show of best practice materials: thank you to Sharon for
sharing her school’s excellent Media Studies website.

Items for discussion at next meeting include : A2,use of blogs, AQA GCSE Unit 1 ,Creative
Media Diploma

Marcus McTurk
Hounslow Manor

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