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Sector Idioma Extranjero: Ingles u otro

Unidad (Núcleo) de Present Perfect Curso 8 Básico Tiempo 12 Hours


Students will be able to use the correct grammatical structure. Aprendizajes Apply and Identify grammatical structures.
Students will be able to identify present perfect tense Esperados To Express written ideas using present perfect form and learned
Students will be able to give real examples and write texts acquired new vocabulary.
using different situations that involve present perfect tense. To Understand text identifying present prefect tenses.
To Express ideas orally.

Contenidos del aprendizaje

Conceptuales Procedimentales Actitudinales
Present Perfect structures Forming sentences. Respect themselves and their classmates
Presents perfect fuction. Write texts using the correct grammatical structure. Team work, the importance of working in group
Read and identify present perfect in a text. respecting other opinions.

Actividades Recursos Evaluación

New vocabulary is presented Board Class Participation
Grammatical structures and Word order are presented Power point presentation Worksheet
Present Perfect structures. Cards Test
Fill in the blank activities using the tense properly. Texts

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