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Conservative Criticism of George W.


Pickett, Alex. (2008, October 29). A timeline of the george w. bush persidency [Web log message].
Retrieved from

George W. bush

supply-side economics (which, Patterson argues and shows with plenty of data, were impractical and
ultimately completely wrong – in other words, he argues George H.W. Bush’s opinion that it was
‘voodoo economics’)

On January 3, 2007, George W. Bush wrote an article claiming "It is also a fact that our tax cuts have
fueled robust economic growth and record revenues.

Nelson Lichtenstein’s chapter takes a look at ideology

In the final chapter of the book, Michael Kazin takes a look at Bush’s relationship with the Conservative
Movement. The author offers a summary of its evolution, and charts Bush’s relationship with it and the
issues that matter most to it. The first term of Bush’s presidency is considered the best of times by
movement conservatives as the new president promised to fulfil their wishes and chart a properly
conservative path in office (only on immigration did the president break with his base). Ultimately, Kazin
argues, the Bush presidency was a disappointment for movement conservatives, as the president slowly
but surely jettisoned the fierce adherence to conservative political issues and tropes, as evidenced in
Bush’s expansion of government and also his administration’s part in the massive economic bailouts in
2008 –

Started the department of homeland of security he expanded government and republican ideals was to

Invaded Iraq for no good reasons

“My concern about the role of the federal government is that an intrusive government, a government
that says, ‘Don’t worry, we will solve your problems’ is a government that tends to crowd compassion
out of the marketplace”

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