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Market Research- Audience Questionnaire

1. What is your favourite music magazine?

2. How often to do you buy music magazines? (circle your answer)

Once a week
Once a fortnight
Once a month
Other- Please

3. How much are you willing to pay for a magazine? (circle your answer)
£0- £0.99
£1.00- £1.99
£2.00- £2.99
£3 or more

4. Would you be more likely to buy a magazine if there was a competition

or ‘give away’ on the front cover?
Yes/ No

5. Which magazine layout do you prefer? (circle your answer)

Rolling Stone
Other- Please

6. Do you prefer magazines to have the name in acronyms or words?

Acronyms/ Words

7. What is your favourite artist/band?

8. What is your favourite film?

9. Are you interested in programmes that are set in the past (1960’s-19-
Yes/ No

10.What is your favourite shop?

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