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disadvantages of studying last minute... 1) too many topics to cover.

Might not be able to

finish in time! 2) many topic might have forgotten, as in forgot how to do the question
already. 3) many questions raised, don't know who to ask for help, or not enough time to ask
for help!! Advantages of studying last minute... 1) refresh the memory. 2) forming eqn :
higher pressure X higher focus = more information absorb :) so, since the negative outweigh
the positive, therefore a learner should, 1) study all 2 weeks before hand, (the timing have
to right). 2) The learner should pay more attention in class and take down notes for easy
referrence. 3) In rp, snatch PPts from all the prodigies presentation and combine, together
with the practice questions and then form one's own PPT for self refference. 4) print practice
questions and do, instead of looking at the lappy and do. (Don't know why but its effective)
5) before UT, stay at rp's library and do the really really last minute revision!!! (4hrs
definitely enough cover 15 6ps and 9 practice questions) 5) always always always X10 ^
infinite study alone in a locked room with nothing but all the practice questions and notes
and textbooks for revision.(because, in a group will always talk more than work. form eqn:
more people in a group / hours of studying = lesser information absorbed. :)

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