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Arfan Ali

Washing Powder Advert

Brand names:
 Warrior
 Super wash
 Bang
 Pixie
 Sparkle
 Hero

 The packaging for the product will be vibrant, very attractive for the
 The message will be straight forward for the audience
 Aimed towards parents and teenagers

Target audience:
 Students’ aged 18-25
 Female mother aged 35-45
 Female aged 26-32

 Save your day with super wash! Believe in it!
 With Pixie anything is possible!
 Hero! Always there when help is needed!
 Warrior! Can fight through the toughest of stains!
 Sparkle! Guaranteed to give you sparkling results!
 Bang! Does the job in the first wash!

Location for advert:

 House
 Supermarket store
 Forest

Location for product:

 Tesco
 Sainsbury’s
 Iceland
 Co-operative

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