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Holly’s hat – Liz Benson

When I started my new job

awhile back one of the girls Holly
asked for a hat in mint green as
she couldn’t find one she liked in
the shops anywhere. Her friend
asked for the same one in baby
pink. Holly showed me a hat
from the shop that was similar to
the one she wanted and Holly’s
hat was born:

Needles: 5.5mm 24″ circulars and 5.5mm DPN’s

Yarn: Cascade 220 (less than half a skein - around 100 yards)

Gauge: approx 4 stitches and 5 rows per inch in lace pattern

1 stitch marker

Cast on 70 stitches, place marker, and work 6 inches in pattern:

(repeat between *’s to the end of each round)

Round 1: *K3 P2*

Round 2:* K1 YO SSK P2*

Round 3: *K3 P2*

Round 4: *K2TOG YO K1 P2*

After 6 inches:

Round 1: *k3 P2TOG K3 P2*

Round 2: *K1 YO SSK P1 K1 YO SSK P2*

Round 3: *K3 P1 K3 P2TOG*

Round 4: *K2TOG YO K1 P1*

You may need to swap to DPN’s as you decrease stitches.

This is a free pattern for personal use only. If you want to use this pattern for
commercial purposes please contact me at
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Round 1: *k2 k2tog k3 p1*

Round 2 *k1 yo ssk k1 yo ssk p1*

Round 3: *k6 p1*

Round 4: *k2tog yo k1 k2tog yo k1 p1*

Round 1: *k5 k2tog*

Round 2: *k1 yo ssk*


*K2 k2tog*

*K2tog yo*

*K1 k2tog*


Cut yarn leaving a long end.

Using a yarn needle pull yarn
through the remaining stitches
on the needles and remove
stitched from needles. Pull
thread tight to pull stitches
together. I normally thread the
yarn through each stitch twice
then pull the yarn through to
the wrong side.

Hide ends and block to fit.

This is a free pattern for personal use only. If you want to use this pattern for
commercial purposes please contact me at

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